CSRA RESA Rollout Resources  

K-12 Georgia 

 English Language Arts Standards

CSRA RESA ELA Specialists have created this page as a resource for schools and districts to use as the Georgia K-12 English Language Arts Standards continue to rollout for implementation in 2025-2026. Many of the documents housed on this resource page were developed by the CSRA RESA ELA Specialists. We ask that if a presentation and/or document is used to please give credit to CSRA RESA. The specialists work diligently to prepare and develop these resources in an effort to provide meaningful learning experiences during professional learning sessions. This page will be updated as new resources are created by the specialists.

If there are questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Contact information is located at the bottom of this page. 

Our hope is that educators will find this page helpful, and we wish all great success in preparation for the new K-12 GELA standards. 

Domain Day Foundations Shared .pdf
Foundations Lesson 1.pdf

Foundations Domain Training Lesson Guide

The Reading Panel Report.pdf

The National Reading Panel Report

What Do You Know.pdf

"What Do You Know?" Activity

Language Domain Day Present.pptx

GUM Chart Scavenger Hunt

Language GUM Activity.pdf

GUM Activity

How Exercise.pdf

Language Domain in Practice Activity

Language Domain_DIDLS_Syntax Structure_9-12.pdf

Syntax Activity: 9-12 Grades


Language Domain_6th-8th Syntax.pdf

 Syntax Activity: 6-8 Grades

K. Beers & R. Probst

Syntax Activity 5th Grade.pdf

Syntax Activity_Grade 5

Syntax Activity_Grade 4.pdf

Syntax Activity_4th Grade

Language Domain 3rd Grade Syntax.pdf

Syntax Activity: 3rd Grade

Language Domain_K-2 Syntax.pdf

Syntax Activity: K-2 Grades    Genuis Ladder

Domain Texts For Webpage.pdf
Common text types.pdf
Final Practices Presentation 2_26_25_2.pdf
Flow map for design.pdf
Situating Texts_Activity.pdf
Schedule for breakouts.docx

CSRA RESA Specialists use the resources and videos housed in GaDOE platforms during these presentations. 

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  Contact Information: 

 Laura Hooven, CSRA RESA Director of Curriculum and Professional Learning:  lhooven@csraresa.org

 Patra Griffitt, English Language Arts Specialist:  pgriffitt@csraresa.org

 Christy Van Meter, English Language Arts Specialist:  cvanmeter@csraresa.org