Etude 1: Poets of Sound and Time

"How do you really feel?


"Love Drops"


I love listening to music but I found the process of making sounds that sound good much more challenging than I anticipated. Although given my lack of music theory knowledge, this didn't come as much of a surprise. All that being said, I enjoyed going down the rabbit hole messing with the sounds, rhythm, and different features that chucK offered. I tried not to overdevelop each of my poems, instead focusing on the feeling. In my first poem, "How do you really feel?", I tried emphasizing the passage of time and a feeling of introspection with the sounds / rhythm I used. Similarly with "Love Drops", I thought it would be cool to mess around with structure and sounds to give the impression of falling. It was fun working within the weirdness of word2Vec to try and make something intelligible out of all the noise. However, I'd say the noise was a feature of this assignment rather than a bug. Sometimes I'd run one of my poems and get hit by some deep truth when word2Vec and I would align. In any case, I gained value out of the moments of type II enjoyment trying to make chucK cooperate. Shortcutting this process would've for sure been nice but it would've cheapened my appreciation for what I created (because it wouldn't have felt like my mine). I'm a fan of AI as a tool rather than a replacement. Easier said than done but I'm excited to talk about where that line might be.