6th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT 2019)

June 22~23, 2019, Dubai, UAE

Accepted Papers

Application Development using gamification techniques to simulate the admission exam to University

Michael Valencia Ramírez, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Bogotá, Colombia


This article aims to show the advances in the development of a mobile application to simulate the admission exam to the National University of Colombia (UN), which makes use of gamification techniques. For young graduates of high school, one of the main concerns is to apply to the university and be admitted. The National University of Colombia, because it is public in nature and has a high academic level, it is in great demand in the country, each semester there are approximately 72 thousand applicants and only about 10% is accepted due to the low availability of university quotas. The selection process is carried out by means of an admission examination, which evaluates the skills in reading comprehension and logical-mathematical reasoning of the aspirant. Faced with this problem and with the unstoppable evolution of technology, it is vital to integrate the ICT tools (Information and Communication Technologies), as components in learning and preparing them, a mobile application is developed, with the aim of helping aspirants to have a better preparation for the exam. It is taken as population study of 20 students of the eleventh grade belonging to the Liceo Cultural Ernesto Guhl School in Bogota, Colombia.


Education, Gamification, University, ICT, Mobile application

Mobile application focused on knowledge training intended for “Saber 11 Test” using Augmented Reality Environments

Maily A. Quintero E Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Bogotá, Colombia


In Colombia, the system of evaluation and promotion of education is carried out by the ICFES through state tests applied to grades 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th. The Saber 11 Test is an assessment of the basic competences that is performed on grade 11th students. This test scores are used as an important requirement for admission to college. In 2018, 37% of students scored low and failed to apply to the multiple benefits offered by government and universities. This is because the current training mechanisms do not generate impact and motivation in the student so that he can take advantage of the training material offered by various instances. The development of a mobile application prototype for devices based on Android platform is presented, using Augmented Reality tools, which adds virtual elements to the real environment while providing information of interest to the user and takes advantage of the infrastructure of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). Being a motivational learning strategy helping the student to become familiar with the structure, areas and skills, and proposed questions on the exam know 11.


Education, Augmented Reality, Mobile Application, Technology, Saber 11

Reliable and Realtime Architecture of Mother Child Health Information System With Enhanced Usability

Mohammed Mutiullah Khan, Hafiz Farooq Ahmad, Majed Alshmari, Iram Fatima and Sadia Ismail Dept of CS, College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT), King Faisal University, Alahssa, Saudi Arabia National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan


Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) of an expectant mother is a key source of information and serves as a tool for continuity of care with intent to improve efficiency and reduce error. Healthcare information systems have contributed significantly in reducing the mother-child mortality rate in different countries. Now, several underdeveloped nations are shifting towards healthcare information systems which are technology driven to improve their maternal healthcare. In such regard plenty of recent efforts made are commonly targeting commercial aspect of healthcare rather than doctor-patient interaction. But few available systems which can be considered reliable are either difficult to use implement due to lack of resources and deficient computer literate stakeholder. Our primary target is economically suppressed countries were mother-child health care is vulnerable. Proposed is a Mother Child Health information system with enhanced usability which is implemented based on standards of FHIR HL7, WHO, Western Australia Heath Dept. and Perinatal Services British Columbia. Our system provides an interactive graphical interface making it easy to operate. The unique architecture provides several forms for maternal health provided by WHO with added details from other renowned healthcare standards. Creating patient records, update and view can be achieved by simply adding details to the forms as per the trimester visits. Our system maintains the information in FHIR HL7 V4 format enabling global message exchange format. In addition, the system allows access to the JSON documented patient resources using RESTfull approach by making API calls for research and development purposes. Our system could be a potential solution to overcome several prenatal care problems. This system can be used in low socioeconomic index countries as it requires less resources and can be operated easily by minimal computer skills.


FHIR, WHO, HL7, Mother-child, Healthcare information, EHR, API, RESTful

Stock Market Predictive and Behavioral Analysis

Ritwik Gupta, School of Computing Science and Engineering Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai, Tamilnadu, India


Investments are a crucial part towards an individual’s financial health in the world we live in today. Instead of just working hard to earn money it has become a popular phenomenon to make your money work hard for you as well. This is achieved by making the right investments that can propel an individual’s financial health to a much higher cap. Smart investments into securities and assets early in life are crucial and have been proven to be extremely fruitful later in life. There is however, a big catch when it comes to investments. Not all investments made turn out a profit in the short or long term and many a people end up burning their hard-earned money in this domain. This usually happens when people do not research their stock choices to insinuate their future potential and rather go for the ‘word of mouth’ approach which usually does not turn out well. Casual investors typically do no have the time or the skills to go through years of historical stock data and their factor in public sentiment to make a reasonable assumption on the stock’s future performance. This is the focus of our project. We want to provide users with a tool that provides user with a deep insight on any stock option of their choice with technical and predictive analysis so that users can then make informed stock purchases and build a strong investment portfolio. ‘Stockr’ is an easy to use desktop application that takes in a stock option as input and does detailed behavioral and Predictive analysis on it and produces results in an easy to understand graphical format which gives user a fairly good idea about the current health of a stock option and its future potential. The application supports a variety of global and local exchanges making it much more flexible to be used in a variety of different use cases.


Predictive Analysis, Stock Indicators, Recurrent Neural Networks, statistical forecasts


Davis Bonsu Agyemang and Mohamed Bader-El-Den

The School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Buckingham Building, Lion Terrace, Portsmouth PO1 3HE.


Cracks on concrete walls can imply that a building possesses issues with its structural integrity. Surveyors who inspect these defects are expected to provide their customers with excellent evaluation regarding its severity. The process is currently conducted through visual inspection, resulting in occasions of subjective judgements being made on the classification and severity of the concrete crack which poses danger for customers and the environment as it not being analysed objectively. Many researchers have applied numerous classification techniques to tackle this issue but from the author's knowledge, their methods do not provide the severity levels of concrete cracks and have no feedback mechanism for adaptability of when their method classifies incorrectly. In this paper, the author proposes in building a mobile application with the 2 mentioned capabilities and using a trained Hierarchal-Convolutional Neural Network(H-CNN) to evaluate the concrete surface via images taken via the mobile device.


Concrete cracks,classification algorithms, Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) ,Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Network(H-CNN), accuracy,loss,Python, Flask, HTM,CSS &Javascript.


Mouna HALIMA, Lobna Kriaa and Leila Azzouz Saidane, ENSI University, Manouba, Tunisia


Design space exploration (DSE) techniques have become essential in order to find the best compromise between different design goals and their trade-off. Designers need effective optimization techniques to support their design decisions. However, the partitioning problem is one of the most important issues.Many heuristic methods have been proposed to solve this problem. This paper introduces an automatic design space exploration approach which is based on a customized Genetic Algorithm, named Binary Genetic Algorithm (BGA). This new approach helps to find rapidly the best solution satisfying a set of systems requirements and/or constraints. Different steps, from the system specification to the target architecture including mapping and scheduling objectives, compose our flow.


Codesign embedded system, DSE, architecture exploration, partitioning, optimization algorithms,Genetic Algorithm


Belkebir Djalila, Department of Computer Engineering, Kasdi Merbah Ouargla University, Ouargla, Algeria


Genetic algorithms are widely used to solve problems in complex system for its easiest implementation and achievability of global optimum with a proper approximate solution, but quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms have been surpassing the classical algorithms for their abilities to solve problems of polynomial-time that is considered it as impossible to be solved but with million years while their advantage is to balance between exploration and exploitation of the solution space and also obtain better solutions, even with a small population. In this paper, we propose a novel task migration algorithm that minimize the overall overheads caused during the migration process in network on chip (NoC) while searching the appropriate checkpoints during run-time using quantum genetic algorithm.


Genetic Algorithms, Quantum Computing, Mapping, Scheduling, Network on Chip, Task Migration

Malaysian Labour Market Information System

Nor Wahidah Nor Azelan and Maslina Mohd Basir , Institute of Labour Market Information And Analysis (ILMIA), Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia


A summary of the rationale for and the development of the centralised Labour Market Information System by ILMIA is provided. A data flow management system sets the basis for labour market data sharing among compilers of statistics by departments within MoHR and participating ministries or agencies. Users have access to crucial and useful labour market information that facilitates more comprehensive analysis for human capital planning and enhances the capability for big data analytics in the labour market. Future efforts by ILMIA will focus on expanding the participation of new data providers and increasing efforts on promotion and dissemination of the labour market information by producing labour market infographics posters and pamphlets. Strengthening the system with the latest security features to safeguard confidential data will receive appropriate attention.


Labour Market Information, Labour Market Information Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse, Centralised Database, Business Intelligence Tools, Dashboard, Mobile Application, Industrial 4.0, Big Data Analytics, Web Mining