There are many ways for third parties to integrate their services with the game: activate stage lighting and pyrotechnics during a competitive match, activate lighting or haptic elements in peripherals connected to the player's PC during the game, complement streaming overlay with custom interactive graphics synchronized with game state, collect all game state changes to annotate recorded VODs, etc.

The game client by default can expose all game state, and send an update notification as soon as the client game state changes, to any local or remote HTTP POST endpoint using JSON as the game state structure. It just needs to know where the player wants to submit game state and what notifications to relay. This document will help third parties develop their tools and processes integrating with CS:GO game state.

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The CS:GO client needs to read endpoint configuration files in order to find out the destination and game state components to send to the endpoint. System administrators at a competitive event know where the game client is installed on tournament players computers at the time when they image drives for the players, so no install directory discovery process is required. Keyboard or headset drivers that implement HTTP POST endpoint for activating peripherals integration may prompt the user to manually locate an existing CS:GO install directory, or may attempt to automatically locate it using the following approach.

The Steam install directory on Windows can be found in registry under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Steam, value "SteamPath" contains a string naming the Steam install directory. If Steam is installed into D:\Steam then Steam library folders will be listed in D:\Steam\steamapps\libraryfolders.vdf.

An automatic process locating CS:GO install directory can now iterate all user's Steam Library Folders found in libraryfolders.vdf, including the location of libraryfolders.vdf itself looking for the common CS:GO installation.

If Steam is installed into D:\Steam and CS:GO is installed directly under Steam installation directory then the location of CS:GO configuration files will be "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\cfg".

For game state integration to work with your service you will need to place a text file named gamestate_integration_yourservicenamehere.cfg into the game/csgo/cfg directory, CS:GO will pick it up next time the game launches. Different services can place their own game state integration files in game/csgo/cfg directory, and the game client will relay information to all registered service configurations.

Note:  allplayers_weapons payload became available starting from game update, it is recommended to be used for LAN heartbeat endpoints only as the payload size and frequency is significantly increased when it is enabled.

Important:  Make sure the configuration-file has no UTF8-BOM , or else the configuration-file won't load. You can see if a file was successfully loaded by the output of the console after you start CS:GO.

Both sample cfg files provided in this document contain an optional "auth" configuration section. In most localhost or even LAN integration scenarios this section can be completely omitted, but when it is present, fields in this section will be transmitted as JSON string fields to the endpoint to authenticate the payload. It is recommended for the endpoint to also use SSL to protect the in flight payload containing an authentication block.

All game state is separated into independent blocks that the service can be independently subscribed to. For example a service providing haptic feedback for every bullet fired might be interested in getting the "player_weapons" payload and any changes in weapons and ammo data, while a service annotating a video stream might only subscribe to the "map" component to keep track of the map name and round wins scored.

When developing your service it is recommended to use the sample console program provided below to output the JSON payload sent by the game and eliminate unnecessary components that aren't needed for the service operation.

When any data of a reported component changes, the game client will start the buffer timer, and after it elapses, or immediately if buffering is disabled, will report the new full game state, and delta states computed from payload with last successful HTTP 2XX response from the endpoint. For data that changed from the previous report a global block "previously" will contain old state of the changed game state, whereas for new data a global block "added" will contain the root JSON fields that are present in the new game state, but were absent in the old game state.

An example HTTP POST server implementation printing the game payload to console is provided here using framework. You can save the provided script as mysample.js and execute node mysample.js to launch an HTTP POST server on your localhost port 3000.

Below is a list of available third-party tools and implementations which can be used to easily implement game state integration. These libraries/services are NOT officially approved or endorsed by Valve.

You will need steam-user v4.2.0 or later and Node.js v14 or later to use globaloffensive v3.

You will need steam-user v4.2.0 or later and Node.js v8 or later to use globaloffensive v2.

It appears that under some circumstances, the GC might load items from storage units into your inventory withoutcalling getCasketContents, so if you are using this property to see what itemsare in your inventory, you will need to check casket_id to filter out items stored in storage units.

Sends the same request to the GC that the official client sends when you inspect an item. If all parameters are correctand the GC is in a good mood, returns the item's data. Using this for an item your account owns is useless as allthe data is already available in inventory.

Sends the same request to the GC that viewing the CSGO player profile from the in-game friendlist sends. Returns the same information that you would get in-game.This returns the same protobuf that is used when you request your own profile data, so most of it stays empty.

Craft items together into a new item using a specific recipe. items should be an array of item IDs to craft.You will receive a craftingComplete event in response. If crafting succeeded, you will also getitemRemoved events for each item you spent, and itemAcquired events for each itemyou received.

Put an item in your inventory into a casket (storage unit) you own. Assuming the request succeeds,itemRemoved will be emitted for the item that was put into the casket, anditemCustomizationNotification will be emitted with notification typeCasketAdded for the casket.

Remove an item from a casket (storage unit) you own and put it into your inventory. Assuming the request succeeds,itemAcquired will be emitted for the item that was removed from the casket, anditemCustomizationNotification will be emitted with notification typeCasketRemoved for the casket.

Loads the contents of a storage unit. Note that calling this will have the GC load the contents of the storage unitusing the same mechanism as your actual inventory, so items in the storage unit will appear in the inventoryproperty, and itemAcquired will be emitted for each item. Each item in your inventory that is containedinside of a storage unit has a property casket_id, the value of which is a string containing the ID of the storage unitthat contains that item.

It appears that under some circumstances, the GC might load these items into your inventory without calling this method,so if you are using inventory to see what items are in your inventory, you will need to check casket_idto filter out items stored in storage units.

Emitted when a GC connection is established. You shouldn't use any methods before you receive this. Note that this may be received (after it's first emitted) without any disconnectedFromGC event being emitted. In this case, the GC simply restarted. 152ee80cbc

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