Early Summer 2021 Math-III Workshop

First Class session/Orientation: Saturday, May 22nd

Last class session will be on June 24th (Thursday).

An orientation session will be held on Saturday May 22nd from 9 AM to 11 AM!

Weekly Schedule starts on Monday, May 24 and ends on Thursday, June 24:

Monday: 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Thursday: 5:00 – 6:30 PM

This is a Prep Workshop and will be 100% virtual. This is intended to be a review of material you have already learned, meaning workshop sessions will include problem solving and answering questions. For additional support you will have access to videos and other resources online.

To accommodate everyone, I will be posting resources in a variety of places and making use of multiple platforms. One of the platforms will be CANVAS. I will post everything there. You will have access to links, practice problems, demos, and other resources. I have also made a Discord server (this is optional, but highly encouraged) so you will have a place to communicate and work with your peers between class sessions. This has worked well for students in the asynchronous environment. Here is the invitation to join the server: https://discord.gg/xRg64dtv. If you have any questions about Discord, please let me know.

This will begin May 22nd (Saturday), which is an orientation day!

Link to Pacing Calendar: CLICK HERE

It is expected that you watch videos and review topics that are coming up. The recommended videos will be posted on Canvas.

ZOOM LINK for workshop sessions

(in case that doesn’t work here it is so you can copy and paste it: https://lausd.zoom.us/j/81343244759?pwd=bXpoNmVmbDVVUFpQVHBnditGMzdLUT09 )

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at bryantrcooper@gmail.com