CSE 6607 - @CSE, BUET

Zoom link for the class: https://bdren.zoom.us/j/97600424175 


Welcome to the site of CSE 6607 (Accessibility and Human Computer Interaction). In this course, our goals are to dig into different notions of accessibility through the lens of Human Computer Interaction). In parallel, we will do our own research studies on accessibility and human computer following a sound methodical way.

A little background of the course:

Here is a relevant famous quote:

"We must design for the way people behave, not for how we would wish them to behave." 

  --  Donald A. Norman, Living With Complexity  (Source)

In this course, our goal is to focus more from the perspective of "the way people behave" than that of "how we would wish them to behave"!

General information about the course:

Instructor: A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Professor, CSE, BUET

Schedule: Tuesday (5:00 PM - 8:00 PM, BD time) [Regular] and other scheduled slots (if needed)

Venue: Room # 504, Graduate Complex, ECE Building, BUET (in the case of physical classes)