CHS Grades 9-12

Our high school students should log into their Google accounts and enter each of their Google Classrooms for more information about the learning for the week. Please use the links below. Don't forget to take attendance each morning (click the Home button above and do that first each day).

Important Announcements:

*Please find the new Class of 2020 link on the district's main webpage at It will have videos of many senior events as we close the year.

*The annual senior awards night is scheduled for a live broadcast (via Facebook Live) for Wednesday, May 20, 2020. We will be announcing awards and scholarships at the event. The event will be saved and put on a special graduation web page for all to view.

*Seniors, what your email for important graduation information coming from CHS! We will be setting a "pick up" date soon for you to come and get your cap/gown, awards earned, etc. prior to our virtual graduation.

*The BOE has determined there will be virtual graduation to be held on June 7, 2020 and a face-to-face graduation to be held on August 9, 2020 (pending on any health department recommendations).

*The Governor has extended the Safer at Home order until the end of May; however, schools will not resume face-to-face instruction. We will continue to use distance learning as a means to continue school through the remainder of the school year.

*What does Pass/No-Pass mean? Students will need to earn a D- for both Qtr 3 and Qtr 4 in order to earn credit for the course. We will enter a grade code of CS (Covid-Satisfactory) or CF (Covid-Fail) on the report card and transcript. Student GPAs and class rank are frozen from Semester 1. Colleges and universities will accept such a grade mark during these most unique circumstances and CHS will do our part to include a statement on each transcript stating the grade mark.

*We thank everyone who shared their thoughts about graduation on our survey. Next step is to share the survey information, along with recommendations from the health department and other information from local districts so our district can make a decision on how best to hold graduation safely.

*Please contact the Main Office (608.423.3261) for any questions you may have. We can direct those questions to the right people in order to get a response to you.

*CHS thanks you for your patience and understanding during this pandemic.