How to Participate

Participants will submit a position paper either proposing a future study investigating online communities managed by volunteer community moderators or an issue paper addressing important problems/directions that the future of research in community moderation research should consider. These papers are not intended to be concrete, fully-developed research plans but rather starting points for conversations that will take place during the workshop. Organizers will review position paper submissions with a focus on identifying a breadth of perspectives and levels of experience in the field. Participants are encouraged to include 1 - 2 paragraphs describing their background and/or personal interests in studying online community moderation.

Future study examples:

  • an interview study comparing moderator experiences of online communities existing only through mobile devices
  • an experiment testing a new automated moderation tool across several types of moderation teams

Issue paper examples:

  • a position paper about how to do research involving moderation of communities with conflicting philosophical disagreements
  • offer a framework for studying moderation teams of underserved or marginalized online groups

Paper topics are not limited to these examples. Participants may also draw from the topics listed in the themes section of this site for potential jumping boards for their position papers. We encourage participants to offer their unique perspectives to this growing field of research and the direction they would like to see it go in the future.

This workshop will host a maximum of 20 participants.

Please send your position papers to the following email address:

Submission deadlines

Note that we are offering two deadlines for authors’ convenience in scheduling and acquiring funding, as well as to give time before and after the CHI deadlines (Sept 13 / Sept 20). Authors only need to submit to one round of submissions. Please contact us at if you have any questions.

Early round:

  • Position paper due August 26, 2019
  • Acceptance notification September 6, 2019

Late round:

  • Position paper due September 23, 2019
  • Acceptance notification September 30, 2019

Late round:

  • Position paper due October 4, 2019
  • Acceptance notification October 11, 2019

CSCW 2019 in Austin, TX