
CSCAT 2019








  • 13:55- オープニング
  • 14:00- 勝股 審也(国立情報学研究所)
  • 14:30- 岡本 圭史(仙台高等専門学校)
  • 15:30- 安部 達也(千葉工業大学)
  • 16:30- 丸山 善宏(京都大学)


  • 10:30- 浦本 武雄 (東北大学)
  • 13:00- 松田 一孝 (東北大学)
  • 14:00- 荒武 永史 (京都大学)


  • 勝股 審也(国立情報学研究所)「A Double-Category Theoretic Analysis of Graded Linear Exponential Comonads」
    • Abstract: Graded linear exponential comonads are a graded extension of linear exponential comonads, and provide a categorical semantics of resource-sensitive exponential modality in linear logic. In this paper, we propose a concise double-category theoretic formulation of graded linear exponential comonads as a kind of monoid homomorphisms from the multiplicative monoids of semirings to the composition monoids of symmetric monoidal endofunctors. We also exploit this formulation to derive the category of graded comonoid-coalgebras, which decompose graded linear exponential comonads into symmetric monoidal adjunctions plus twists.
  • 岡本 圭史(仙台高等専門学校)「Enumerating Dung's Extensions with an SMT Solver」
  • 安部 達也(千葉工業大学) 「対称ラムダ計算の双側面的解釈」
  • 丸山 善宏(京都大学)「Harmony, Higher-Order Rules, and the Curry-Howard-Lambek Correspondence」
    • Abstract: Different instances of Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence have been developed; yet a general mechanism underpinning them is still unclear. Building upon the theory of higher-order rules in proof-theoretic semantics, we explicate a uniform mechanism to derive from logical constants the corresponding categorical constructions, and thereby establish the universal logic-category correspondence on the basis of general-elimination harmony (GE-harmony for short). This means that general-elimination harmony entails the Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence: any logical constants harmoniously definable within the system of higher-order rules can in principle be given categorical semantics. We also have a look at several examples of this general mechanism, one of which is a contradictory constant as in the liar paradox, corresponding to certain "liar categories." Since not all logical constants defined via GE harmony come from adjoint situations, we also compare GE harmony with Lawverian categorical harmony. To this end, we revist the idea of structural functors by Kosta Dosen, which allows us to revise and sharpen Lawverian harmony. We then consider how many of GE-harmonious logical constants come from categorical adjunctions, or how many of them are categorically harmonious as well.
  • 浦本 武雄 (東北大学) 「類体論について」
  • 松田 一孝 (東北大学) 「Sparcl: A Language for Partially-Invertible Computation」
  • 荒武 永史 (京都大学)「モデル理論におけるガロア理論的現象の圏論的解釈について」