The Future of Facial Authentication

Latest News

[05/03/2017] Our source code is available at link.

[05/03/2017] Thanks for the efforts for all members in ORDIN and also thanks for your attention to our project during today's poster session!


[04/30/2017] Our Video introduction to ORDIN.

[04/19/2017] Our final project presentation

HCI Presentation

[04/05/2017] Our high fidelity mobile app mockup is online. Any feedback is welcome!

[04/04/2017] Our latest demo of ORDIN!

[04/03/2017] Thanks for participating in our survey.


Please take a look at our survey for smart phone unlocking strategies. We appreciate your effort for our project!

Group Members

I am a second year Phd student in Computer Science Department. My advisor is Prof. Jiebo Luo. My research interests are Computer Vision and Machine Learning. I got my Bachelar's degree from Jilin University, and my Master's degreee from Beijing Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Yunde JIA and Xinxiao Wu.

I'm a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, advised by Prof. Jiebo Luo. Prior to coming to Rochester, I received my M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Northeastern University, Boston, MA in 2015 and my B.E. degree from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China in 2012.

I'm interested in leveraging the latest advances in deep learning and machine learning to solve problems in data mining and computer vision.

My name is Shupeng Gui, a second year PhD student in Computer Science, University of Rochester. I am interested in Machine Learning, Data Mining and Bioinformatics.

I am a first year Master student in Computer Science department at University of Rochester. I received my Bachelor degree in Computer Science and Technology from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China in 2016.

Project Proposal

ORDIN: CSC212/412 Project Proposal

Time Line
