Zero Hunger Informative Pirate Game

With the general game loop created it was time to get started programming our classes. The Ship base class was created so the player ship and enemy ships could be created from the ship base class.

I decided for my CSC211H's Honors Project, I was going to create a brief pirate game that involved providing verbal narration and text popups pertaining to hunger.

The first thing I had to do was plan the game loop, how the game was going to play. Since it was going to be a very brief game the loop turned out to be very simple. The player would spawn in, they'd then be able to navigate around the map collecting food cargo and then delivering it once full.


The biggest challenge I faced was trying to access proper C++ documentation for Unreal Engine. It's a great engine but the documentation was extremely poor. This was a huge obstacle because the simplest method became super difficult to understand. Following that challenge, I had an extremely difficult time trying to incorporate Zero Hunger into my game and I honestly wish I had not went with an Unreal Engine project.