Challenges and Solutions

6. Challenges and Solutions:

4/24:Installing CURL Library: Spent a few days trying a few different methods to build/compile the CURL library locally in my environment before finding out that CURL comes preinstalled in the path directory on windows machines

4/26:Figuring out the curl command was a tough one at first, but overall pretty easy once I figured out the syntax.

4/26: Having problems getting around certain search engine APIs. Learned they generally don’t like scripting requests that aren’t actual users, solved this by spoofing user agents in CURL request

4/30: Having trouble pushing html to a text file, normal file i/o isnt working so resorted to directing the command to push the cmd output directly to a particular directory

5/3: Normal bug fixing with inherited classes, need to figure out where I can include inherited classes for the recipe input portion. Decided on having a pastry class inherited from the normal recipe class. Also started a new job so I'm really pressed for time on finishing. I need to cram some more at night after work as most mornings are for class time.

5/7: Putting everything together but not too happy with how its all turning out, still pressed for time but pushing to get as much working as I can before the weekend

5/11: Getting most of the barebones finished,still need to complete the video. Luckily we’re covering the github portion and website portion during the class tomorrow which is nice