Centre for Studies on Borders and Migration

About Us

Centre for Studies on Borders & Movements was begun in 2018 by a group who believed they had much in common in their work despite the differences in the many disciplines they came from. Borders and borderlands, South Asia and its neighbours, the corridors of power and the bylanes of powerlessness, margins and centres, small and great traditions, - were all subjects we discussed and debated endlessly. Moving seamlessly move from one discipline's approach to another's, our differences in training enabled a holistic perspective of research areas.We come from Geography, History, Economics, Management, Physics and the Literatures (Comparative Literatures, Hindi and English, till date, and looking forward to more). 

Our objectives are the following:

1. Research,

2. Hold special lectures/ talks, workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences, 

3. Provide a platform for young scholars who research related areas,

4. Create archives/ libraries on related areas, especially those that are somewhat neglected.

From 2018 to 2023, we have held annual workshops (except in 2020, 2021) on research methodology using different areas as case studies:

2018: Research Methodology Workshop on the Partition of India in collaboration with Rabindra Bharati University,

2019: Research Methodology Workshop on Women's Studies in collaboration with Women's Studies Centre, Jadavpur University,

2022: Research Methodology Workshop on Migration Studies in collaboration with Department of English, West Bengal State University,

2023: Research Methodology Workshop on Borders and Borderlands in collaboration with School Of International Relations & Strategic Studies, Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University.

From 2019-2021, we collaborated with Women's Studies Centre, Jadavpur University, for a research project on the Food Riots in 20th century Bengal.  

A symposium on ‘Un-bordered Futures: Deconstructing and Reimagining Borders’ will be held in collaboration with University of Warwick and Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University in December, 2023.

A detailed list of our other activities may be found at the Events tab.