Curriculum Vitae


ORCID ID:                          0000-0002-4240-0788 Place of birth:                    Budapest, Hungary                                                                              


2012                   Phd, Meteorological Department, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary2004                  Master in Meteorology and Astronomy, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Research experience

2019-2022   Investigating the climate over the Carpathian Basin based on bias-corrected temperature data of most-up-to-date RCM simulations                  (Bolyai János Research Grant)2020-2021  Investigation of the future climate conditions in the Carpathian Basin by tuning temperature data sets (Bolyai+ Research Grant)2019-2020  Precipitation change signal with respect to altitude: comparative analysis over the Alps and the Carpathians (Bolyai+ Research Grant)2016-2019    Investigating the influence of the Carpathian topography on climate change over the Carpathian Basin by state-of-the-art regional climate models                  (Premium Postdoctoral Research Program funded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)2012-2016     Postdoctoral fellow at The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (supervisor: Filippo Giorgi)2012-2015    EU 7th FP (n. 282687): ATOPICA, atopic diseases in changing climate, land use & air quality2009-2013     OTKA K/78125: Expected change of extremes based on regional climate models. Leader: Judit Bartholy, ELU Budapest.2008-2012     Hungarian Academy of Sciences-Budapest Corvinus University: Adaptation to Climate Change Research Group (2006TKI246): „The effect of climate change on biodiversity, together                         with on human and animal health.”2007-2008    Ministry of Environment and Water: Research according to climate change strategy and acting plan. Leaders: Horányi András, Mika János, Hungarian Meteorological Service2006-2009    EU 6th FP (GOCE-037005): Central and Eastern Europe Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Assessment. Coordinator: Tomas Halenka, Charles University, Prague2005-2008    Involved in the National Science Research Foundation project on making scenarios with regional climate model estimates for the Carpathian Basin, ELTE.2005-2007      Involved in the National Research Development program on dynamical modelling of future regional climate of Hungary, Hungarian Meteorological Service.2005             Regional agent in the South Hungarian Regional Centre of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, Szeged, Hungary

Fellowships and awards

2022-2026 Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA FK- 142349)2019-2022   Bolyai János Research Grant2020-2021   Bolyai+ Research Grant2019-2020   Bolyai+ Research Grant2019           "Promising Researcher of ELTE" Award 2019            Dévényi Dezső Numerical Prognostic Commemorative Medal2019            Early Career Scientist's Travel Support, European Geosciences Union2018            Early Career Scientist's Travel Support, European Geosciences Union2016-2019     MTA (The Hungarian Academy of Sciences) Premium Post Doctorate Research Program Grant, Budapest, Hungary2012-2016     Postdoctoral fellow at The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, Supervisor: Prof. Filippo Giorgi2016                Best poster award at International Conference of Regional Climate - CORDEX. Stockholm, Sweden, 17-20 May 2016.2013                Best poster award at International Conference of Regional   Climate - CORDEX. Brussels, Belgium, 04-07 November 2013.

Memberships of scientific societies

2018-2019                     Member of the American Geophysical Union2013- 2014, 2017-           Member of the European Geosciences Union2012-                            Hungarian Academy of Sciences, X. Section of Earth Sciences, Scientific Committee on Meteorology2004-                                      Member of the Hungarian Meteorological Society2000-2003 and 2011-     Member of the Hungarian Astronomical Association

Teaching activity

2019-            Meteorology, Climatology, Climate change2016-2017       Forecast (practice) and Aviation meteorology, for students specialised in meteorology2007-2008      Data post-processing (practice) and geo computer science (practice) for students specialised in meteorology2006- 2007    Global and regional climate changes for students specialised in meteorology and environment and geography (lecture)2005-2006     Meteorology for students specialised in geography (practice) and Introduction to Meteorology specialised in meteorology (practice)

Commissions of trust

2011-   Reviewer, J Geophys Res-Atmos (9), Theor Appl Climatol (8), Clim Res (5), Clim Dynam (4), Int J Climatol (4), Atmosphere (2), Reg Environ Change (2), Hung Geogr Bull (2), Geophys Res Lett (1), J Atmos Sci (1), Clim. Change (1), Climate Services (1), Időjárás (1) 2017-   Scientific Evaluation (expert), National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Hungary