
Problem Sets (20% of your grade, due 10/2, 10/20 11:59 pm, upload pdf to Canvas): You will be given 2 problem sets (10% per assignment).  They will be a set of conceptual questions covered in or related to the lectures.  All written responses must be completed individually or in pairs (i.e., group of 2) and submitted to Canvas.  Late submissions: 1 point deduction for every hour after the deadline up to 72 hours; after 72 hours, you will receive a 0.

Class Participation (10% of your grade; only for paper presentation days, starting 10/19): The quality of our discussions will depend heavily on everyone being prepared for class.  Therefore, students are required to read all assigned papers before each class, and actively participate in discussions.  It's okay if you don't fully understand the papers; chances are, there will be others who are unclear about the same issues.  Asking questions is a good way to initiate discussion!  Email the TA after each class if you contributed in any way to the discussions that day.  

Paper Reviews (20% of your grade; only for paper presentation days, starting 10/19): Students are required to write a detailed review of one paper before each class.  It should be at most one page in length, and address the following: (1) Provide a summary of the paper (2-3 sentences); (2) What are the main contributions?  (3) What are the strengths and weaknesses?  (4) Are the experiments convincing?  (5) How could the work be extended? (6) Additional comments, including unclear points, open research questions, and applications.

Due dates: Please upload your review in pdf format to Canvas by 11:59 pm the day before each classYou may skip submitting a review for the class in which you are presenting a paper.

Paper Presentations (20% of your grade): Each student (in groups of 2-3 people) will present a paper once during the semester. Each presentation should be ~25 minutes long (roughly 15 slides), well-organized, and polished.  It should include the following: (1) Clear statement of the problem; (2) Motivate why the problem is interesting, important, and/or difficult; (3) Describe key contributions and technical ideas; (4) Experimental setup and results; (5) Strengths and weaknesses; (6) Interesting open research questions, possible extensions, and/or applications.  The slides should be clear and mostly visual (figures, animations, videos).  Students are encouraged to search for relevant material, e.g., from the authors' webpage, project pages, etc.  It's fine to use slides from the authors, but each slide that is not your own must be clearly cited.

Due dates: Meet with the instructor/TA two days before your presentation with prepared slides to receive feedback.  The day of your presentation, email your slides to the TAs.  The email subject should be "[CS 839] presentation slides". 

Final Project (30% of your grade): The final project will be done in groups of 4 people, and could be one of the following: (1) Design and evaluation of a novel approach; (2) An extension of an approach studied in class; (3) In-depth analysis and evaluation of an existing technique; (4) In-depth comparison of two related existing techniques; or (5) A thorough survey paper analyzing one of the topics discussed in class (this one should be done solely).  Please talk to the instructor/TA if you need help with ideas for your project.

Due dates:

Please use the following CVPR template: