
Problem sets (75% of your grade): You will be given 5 problem sets, one approximately every two or three weeks. They will involve a combination of conceptual questions and PyTorch programming problems. The programming problems will provide hands-on experience working with techniques covered in or related to the lectures. All code and written responses must be completed individually or in pairs (i.e., group of 2) and submitted to Canvas. Most problem sets will take significant time to complete. Please start early. Problem Set 0 (PS0) will be worth 7% of the final grade, and the remaining 4 problem sets will be worth 17% each.

Problem Set 0 (PS0) will be a warm-up assignment to get familiar with basic PyTorch commands. Students are expected to practice and pick up PyTorch on their own in order to complete the assignments. The instructor and TA are happy to help with PyTorch issues during office hours.

Due dates: All problem sets are to be submitted by 11:59 PM on the due date noted on the assignment. Deadlines are firm.

Late assignment policy: We will accept late homeworks that are up to 72 hours late. However, there will be a linear penalty as more time passes. Specifically, we will deduct 1 point for each hour that your assignment is late. For example, if your assignment score is 93 points, and you are late by 30 hours, then your final score is 93 - 30 = 63 points. After 72 hours, your final score will be 0 points, regardless of your original assignment score.

Exams (22% of your grade): There will be a comprehensive final exam.

Participation (3% of your grade): Regular attendance is expected. Participation on piazza is expected. If for whatever reason you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed that day.

General responsibilities: Beyond the above, your responsibilities in the class are:

  • Come to lecture on time.

  • Check the class webpage for assignment files, notes, announcements, etc.

  • Please do not use your cell phone during class.

  • Please read and follow the UW-Madison code of conduct.