Final Project


The purpose of the final project is to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate and improve your capabilities as a researcher. To accomplish this, you will either independently or in a group (your choice) propose a research question that can be answered with one of the many datasets made available to you. After deciding on a research question you will write a proposal explaining your intended course of action to answer your research question. After receiving feedback and adjusting your course of action accordingly you will begin your research.

Later in the term you will present a brief progress report to the class. The purpose of this progress report is to both give you practice presenting in front of the class, which you will have to do again upon your project’s completion, and to give you feedback on the current state of your work, and perhaps inform you of other directions or specific constraints to consider. At the end of the term you will complete your research, create a final presentation, and write a report, which you will submit to a venue on artificial intelligence in education. The quality and completeness of this presentation and report, in addition to the thoughtfulness of your discussion board questions, will determine your final grade.


  • Project Proposal (Due Sept 29th before class)

    • 1-2 pages answering the following:

      • Who is on your team?

      • What data will you use?

      • What is your research question?

      • What novelty does your research provide?

      • What steps will you take to answer your research question?

      • How will you gather your results?

      • What metrics do you intend to use to report your results?

      • Where will you be submitting your paper?

  • Progress Presentation (5 minutes; due Oct 24th before class)

    • Everyone will present their progress presentation during class.

    • At minimum your presentation should summarize the following:

      • What is your research question?

      • What is the value of your research?

      • What similar research has been done in the past?

      • What methods are you using to address your research question?

      • What data are you using?

        • If you haven’t prepared your data yet, ask the class for advice.

        • If you have prepared your data, tell the class how you did so.

      • What information do you plan on getting for your results?

      • What metrics will you use to evaluate your results?

        • If you have preliminary results, share them with the class.

      • If you have any questions, ask them during your presentation so the class can give you feedback. This is the progress report, you're not expected to have anything complete, just to be working. Often it is important to try something and show it, especially if it’s not complete, so that people can see what you’re doing and give advice before you’re done and while you have time to improve your research.

  • Final Presentation (15 minutes; due the day of your presentation before class)

    • Everyone will present their final presentation during class.

    • At minimum your presentation should summarize the following:

      • What is your research question?

      • What is the value of your research?

      • What similar research has been done in the past?

      • What methods are you using to address your research question?

      • What data are you using and how did you prepare it?

      • What were the results of your research?

      • What were the limitations of your research?

      • What conclusions should we make about your research?

  • Research Paper (Due Dec 12th before class)

    • Must be in the proper format specified by the chosen venue

    • Each research paper should have sections similar to the following, but not necessarily exactly these sections:

      • Abstract

      • Introduction

      • Background / Previous Work

      • Data Preparation / Methodology

      • Results / Discussion

      • Limitations / Future Work

      • Conclusion

Research Question Guidelines

  • You should aim for your research question to be answerable using the data made available from the ASSISTments platform. The individuals helping you succeed in this class have the most experience with this data and will therefore be able to help you the most.

    • Good:

      • What features of hints are most likely to improve learning? (ASSISTments Student Support Dataset)

      • Do patterns in students' success mastering previous skills predict trends in how much they will struggle with future skills. (2019-2020 School Year Dataset)

    • Bad:

      • Can smartphone accelerometer data be used to predict users' age?

      • Can ad personalization be improved by a novel clustering algorithm?

  • A good research question has a clear, actionable goal in mind. This goal can involve looking for a trend or pattern in data, comparing existing methodologies, or developing a new model or process, but there must be a clear next step or application of the results of your work. Think “What will I have to show for my work?” and “How will this work be useful to other people?”.

    • Good:

      • Are there common patterns of curriculum content assigned to students using ASSISTments and how do these patterns effect students’ learning?

      • How does a novel theory-based approach to latent feature extraction compare to common methods when predicting students’ homework completion?

    • Bad:

      • What is the distribution of content used in ASSISTments?

      • Which support vector machine kernel is best for predicting students’ homework completion?

  • A good research question must provide something novel to the learning science community. The novelty can be from a new process, model, or analysis, but doing the same thing someone else did with nothing to add is not good enough. To ensure you’re doing something novel, search on google scholar for anything related to your work.

  • A good research question will provide value to the learning science / user modeling community. These questions sometimes necessitate the creation of an artificial intelligence, statistics, or machine learning based model (neural net, decision tree, logistic regression, hierarchical clustering, Bayes net, Q-learning, ANOVA, etc.). The model doesn’t have to be complex, but a question that can be answered without some kind of model fitting or that doesn't help the community is unlikely to be a good research question.

    • Good:

      • How does teachers’ experience correlate with the difficulty for students to master a variety of skills?

      • Which features and models are the most effective for predicting problem difficulty?

    • Bad:

      • How many students used ASSISTments each month over the last two years?

      • What curriculum is used the most in ASSISTments?

  • A good research question has clear metrics for evaluating success. If you are looking for trends, the correlation coefficients could be your metric, if you are designing a new model, AUC, accuracy, R-squared, or training time could be your metric. You need a way for the quality of your method or model or results to be evaluated and understood by a reviewer.

    • There aren’t really examples of specifically good or bad questions for this one, the same question could be both good or bad depending on how you choose to evaluate your findings. For example, if your question was “What is the best type of tutoring?” and you simply concluded in your paper that it was scaffolding, without any metrics, that would be bad, but if you showed students’ average and standard deviation of their next problem correctness after receiving each type of tutoring, then now you can use a t-test and have a metric to evaluate the quality of scaffolding.

Presentation Guidelines

There are many different guidelines on how to make a good presentation. Many of them contradict each other. This guide will explain methods of presenting that have tended to work well in the past, and you can take what you want from it.

  • You are the only person who knows about your research. You have to explain everything. Make sure to structure your presentation so that the high level concepts are explained at the beginning, and then later you can get into the weeds of how you implemented your specific algorithm and the implications of the values of your metrics. For example, if your goal is to explain how an algorithm works, it would be salient to first explain why the algorithm is needed, and in what circumstances it will be used. Providing that information helps the audience contextualize the algorithm and gives them a better chance to understand it.

  • The purpose of a presentation is to convey information to your audience. YOU are the best tool for that, not the screen. The presentation should be structured such that speaking to the audience is the primary way that information is conveyed. The slides should be used to help illustrate things like examples of things you talked about, difficult to process concepts, multi-dimensional data, and results tables.

  • A good slide has one purpose. Don’t overwhelm the audience with dense slides, one or two images or a table per slide is plenty. Don’t have slides with paragraphs or lots of bullet points, that’s stuff you say out loud. There’s no penalty for having lots of slides, so focus on one point that you want to convey per slide and let the presentation be as many slides as it needs to be.

Research Paper Guidelines

The best way to learn how to write a research paper is to write a research paper. The second best way is to read other peoples’ research papers. Lucky for you that’s what you have to do twice a week for this class, so pay attention and copy the formats you see.

Keep in mind, these research papers are 7-10 pages, one or two column, single spaced, tiny font papers. It’s A LOT to write. If you find yourself without enough content to fill a full paper, consider writing a short paper or poster paper, both of which are often available tracks for submissions at conferences. It’s better to have a good short paper than a bad long paper, because the former will be accepted and the latter rejected. Each conference will have templates you can use and length limits depending on the track.

Open Science Guidelines

Open Science is where the process, content, and outcomes of research are openly accessible by default. As all datasets provided by the class conform to the Open Science principles, so students are required to make their analysis Open Science as well.

Creating an Open Science Foundation Account

Open Science projects are managed by the Open Science Foundation, and as such they require an account to post your work. It is highly recommended to use an ORCID to log in.

Creating a New Project

After logging in, navigate to your dashboard and select 'Create new project'. You can set a temporary title and description which best represents the project. They can be changed later.

You can upload any analysis files or work by dragging the file onto OSF Storage or clicking OSF Storage and then the Upload button.

Adding Contributors

First, add your other group members to the project. This can be done by clicking 'Contributors', and then the '+Add' button.

Search the name of your group members and then add them to the project.

As they are working on the project with you, keep the 'Bibliographic Contributor' box checked. You can assign 'Read + Write' or 'Administrator' privileges to all members.

If you need to reorder members, you can use the hamburger lines to drag and move the contributors.

Project Category

Your project category should be set to one of two values: 'Analysis' if you are using one of the datasets provided by this class, or 'Project' if you are supplying your own dataset along with the corresponding analysis.


Projects must be licensed in order to be used by others. Otherwise, nobody else can build off your work without risk. It is suggested to do some research to determine which license is best for you. However, if not, it is recommended to choose 'CC-By Attribution 4.0 International'.

Linking the Dataset

If you are using another dataset as part of your analysis (such as the ones in the class), you need to cite and provide links back to that initial dataset. Citations are necessary when writing the final research paper, but the dataset itself can be linked in OSF. To do so, click 'Link Projects' in the 'Components' section. Click on 'Search All Projects' and type the name of the project page where the dataset lives. Click the '+' next to the dataset name, and finally click done.

Adding a DOI

To make your project accessible by everyone and uniquely identifiable, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) must be assigned to the project. This can be done by clicking the 'Make Public' button and then click 'Create DOI'.

Project Proposal Preregistration

When submitting your Project Proposal, you will need to have created an OSF page for your project with all of the above already set. Since the Project Proposal contains the research plan for your analysis, this can, and must be, submitted as a preregistration on OSF. This can be done by navigating to the 'Registrations' tab and clicking 'New Registration'. There are many options which you may choose to use; however, it is highly recommended to select Open-Ended Registration as you can simply submit the same text used for the Canvas submission.

If you have already filled out all of the above information (including the title and description), almost everything will have been autofilled. The remaining thing on the first page needed is the Subjects. This will typically fall under 'Physical Sciences and Mathematics' for 'Computer Sciences' and 'Statistics and Probability'. If you don't want to spend the time choosing subjects, you can simply add 'Applied Statistics'.

Click the 'Next ->' or 'Summary' button to navigate to the next tab. Within the Summary box, copy and paste the project proposal you will submit to Canvas.

Afterwards, review and register the submission by clicking the 'Register' button. Administrators of the project will need to approve the preregistration for it to go through.

You can add the preregistration to your project page using the same method to link the dataset, except navigating to your projects and then registrations.

Updating Your Preregistration

If you need to change what you have registered or would like to provide more updates as to what you are doing, you can click the 'Update' button on the new registration. You will need to provide a justification for the change and the new summary text containing the proposal and the updated information. Administrators of the project will need to approve the update for it to go through.

Project Storage through External Services

If you would like to use an external service like GitHub or Google Drive to manage your files, you can link your account to OSF to those other accounts and select the association location. Go to 'Add-ons' and enable whichever external services to use to link your accounts. You can configure the service underneath.