Homework 0

Due: 11:59pm on Monday, September 10, 2018

Submission: submit your solutions at the submission site


  • Problems 5 and 6: Extra-credit Picobot challenges: as optional extensions to Picobot, you might try
    • solving the empty room in as few rules as possible (6) or solving the maze in as few rules as possible (8) This is for karma, worth much more than points...
    • Problem 5 is solving the "diamond" map that looks like this one (with any number of rules) [worth +4 points]

Be sure to name your file hw0pr5.py

    • Problem 6 is solving the "stalactite" map that looks like this one (with any number of rules) [worth +4 points]

Be sure to name your file hw0pr6.py

Problem 5

Problem 6

Working Individually vs. Working in Pairs

All homework assignments will have a mix of individual and pair-programming problems. For this assignment, you may work on all of the problems with one other student. This is completely optional—you may, of course, do all of the problems on your own if you wish.


  • If you work individually, the work you submit should be your own. You are encouraged to seek help from CS 5's instructors and student graders/tutors. You may also discuss problems with fellow students, but those discussions must not involve one person doing the work for another. This link on the CS 5 assignment work policy goes into more detail.
  • If you work in a group, the above guidelines hold for the pair. Also, the pair should make sure
    • they work in the same physical location on the same machine—if you're not working together, you're not working as a pair
    • they contribute equally to the work
    • they submit work that is their own, just as noted above for individuals

If you have concerns or questions about this policy, feel free to email your instructor or stop by and chat.


Be sure to submit this week's problems at the submissions site.