Please find the release zip (contains the starter code as well as the pdf) here.

Optionally, you can take a look at the pdf here. 

Follow the instructions on the first page of the assignment carefully. Graduate students have to attempt atleast 10 points of the extra credit section to receive full credit. Undergraduate students can attempt that part as extra credits.

The submission for the report has to done as a PDF on gradescope. Please use the PPT template provided in the release zip. For the code, use the python script to zip your code and submit it to the correct assignment on gradescope.

Please submit before the "Due date" if you do not wish to use your late days. Also note that if Canvas /Gradescope marks your submission as late, then it will be treated as a late submission.

Please post your queries on Piazza in the corresponding sections belonging to the questions you have trouble with.

Good luck!