
  • Kenny's sister downloads malware onto his laptop

  • Kenny downloads a malware cleaner to remove the malware

  • The malware cleaner downloads more malware onto his computer and takes over his laptop

  • Kenny pleasures himself while being recorded by his laptop

  • The hacker sends Kenny an email threatening to release the video to all of his contacts

  • Kenny complies and sends his phone number to the hacker

  • The hacker "activates" Kenny and sends him a location to go to

  • Kenny arrives at the location and picks up a package from another hacked individual

  • Kenny receives instructions to deliver the package, (a cake) to a hotel room

  • Kenny delivers the package to the hotel room where Hector, another hacked individual is waiting

  • Hector receives a message from the hacker to drive with Kenny to another location

  • Hector and Kenny are instructed to look inside the cake where they find a hat, sunglasses, and a gun

  • Hector assumes the role of the getaway driver, and Kenny goes inside a nearby bank to rob it

  • Kenny robs the bank and escapes with Hector

  • After escaping, Kenny receives instructions to go to another location while Hector receives instructions to destroy the car

  • Kenny goes to a remote location where he meets another "hacked" individual

  • The hacked individual releases a drone which begins recording Kenny and the other hacked individual

  • The hacked individual reveals that they have to fight to the death for the prize money that Kenny stole from the bank

  • The hacked individual also reveals that he is a pedophile similar to Kenny who reveals that he was watching child pornography

  • The two fight to the death and Kenny emerges from the woods, wounded and covered in blood

  • The hacker releases all the blackmail that he had on everyone, despite them completing their tasks

  • Kenny's mother calls yelling at him for being a pedophile as the police come to arrest him