Hyuna Kwon (권현아) how to pronounce?

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering

University of California, Riverside

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I am a 3rd year Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Riverside (Advisor: Dr. Bryan M. Wong).

Before I came to Riverside, I received B.S. degrees in Energy Resources Engineering and Chemical Biological Engineering (double majored) from Seoul National University.

My research interests are computational quantum chemistry (density functional theory and ab initio molecular dynamics) and cheminformatics. I am particularly interested in PFAS treatment for water purification and battery systems.

Jan 15, 2021

Jan 22, 2021

This page will be used to contain the progress reports about my final project for CS234 course (Computational Methods for the Analysis of Biomolecular Data) instructed by Dr. Stefano Lonardi.

I will post updates on my project at least every two weeks.