
Grades are described on the course syllabus page. Late work is not accepted unless specifically noted in the syllabus, or if you have supplied documentation through Piazza and made specific arrangements. The one exception to this is for students who joined the class late, indicating this in Piazza. Those students can either submit late or be given the class average for the work they missed.

If you have a question about a grade, ask the person who is responsible for that course component, as listed below.


Reading Outlines: TBA. For now ask the Instructor group on Piazza
Quizzes: TBA. For now ask the Instructor group on Piazza
Lab Activities: Contact your lab's lead grad TA (listed at top of the drop-in times sheet)
Peer Reflections: TBA. For now ask the Instructor group on Piazza

Programs: On the main grades spreadsheet show below, select the "Who grades which program" tab
Clickers: The Professor of your section (Kidane or Reed)
Exams: The Professor of your section (Kidane or Reed)

PUBLIC Grades211Fall22