Weekly Schedule

Welcome to the weekly schedule! See reading assignments, reflection questions, and class notes here.

Week 1 - Syllabus and Intros

Week of 1/14

CS009 TEMP syllabus


ID009 - Created Discussion Rules/Norms

Discussion Norms

CS009 Welcome

First Day Slides

Week 2 - Mentoring Strategies 

Week of 1/21

Lang2016(ch6) Small Teaching - Self-explanation.pdf

Lang. 2016

Small Teaching - Self-Explanation


Malysheva et. al. 2022

How Do Teaching Assistants Teach? Characterizing the Interactions Between Students and TAs in a Computer Science Course

Week 2 - Self Explanation

HW + Class Discussion Questions

Take notes during class here too!

Pre-Survey (Qualtrics)

Survey Link (Not working above): https://pomona.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9BGPsthFTJzmTGK

Week 3 - Mentoring Style 

Week of 1/28

Week 3 (Mentoring Style) - Reading #1.pdf

Leidenfrost et. al. 2014

The Impact of Peer Mentoring on Mentee Academic Performance

Week 3 - Mentoring Style

HW + Class Discussion Questions

Take notes during class here too!

Week 4 - Failure in STEM

Week of 2/4

Henry et al. 2018. Fail is not a four-letter word.pdf

Henry et. al. 2018

FAIL is Not a Four Letter Word

Rethinking Debudding as Productive Failure.pdf

Kafai et. al. 2019

Rethinking Debugging as Productive Failure for CS Education

(Optional) Amy C. Edmonson. 2011

Strategies for learning from Failure

Week 4 - Failure

HW + Class Discussion Questions

Take notes during class here too!

Week 5 - Growth Mindset

Week of 2/11

Dweck. 2015. Carol Dweck Revisits the 'Growth Mindset'.pdf

Dweck. 2015

Carol Dweck Revisits the 'Growth Mindset'


(Pages 1 & 4) Claro et. al., 2015

Growth Mindset Tempers the Effects of Poverty on Academic Achievement


(Pages 15-18) Limeri et. al, 2020

Growing a growth mindset: characterizing how and why undergraduate students’ mindsets change

Reflection Assignment

Week 5 - Growth Mindset

HW + Class Discussion Questions

Take notes during class here too!

Week 6 - Activity: Mentor Workshop/What Would You Do & Feedback

Week of 2/18

Copy of SPR23 Week 3 Minutes

In-Class Activity

Reflection Assignment - Feedback

Week 7 - Inclusivity & Bias 

Week of 2/25

Diversity-Inclusive CS pedagogy.pdf

Pournaghshband and Medel. 2020

Promoting Diversity-Inclusive Computer Science Pedagogies: A Multidimensional Perspective

Gamrat. 2021. Fostering Inclusive Practices among Teaching Assistants.pdf

Gamrat. 2021

Fostering Inclusive Practices among Teaching Assistants


(Read Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion Sections) Gretter et. al. 2019

Equitable Learning Environments in K-12 Computing

Week 7 - Inclusivity & Bias

HW + Class Discussion Questions

Take notes during class here too!

Week 8 - Spring Break 

Week of 3/10 (Spring Break)

Week 9 - Critical Race Theory & STEM Meritocracy

Week of 3/17

In Class: Introduction to Final Projects

Cimpian and Leslie. 2017. The Brilliance Trap.pdf

Cimpian and Leslie. 2017

The Brilliance Trap

O'Hara. 2022. STEMing the Tide A Critical Race Theory Analysis in STEM Education.pdf

O'Hara. 2022

STEMing the Tide A Critical Race Theory Analysis in STEM Education

(Optional - 4 min)

What is Impostor Syndrome, and How Can You Combat It?

Week 9 - Critical Race Theory & STEM Meritocracy

HW + Class Discussion Questions

Take notes during class here too!

Week 10 -  Submit Project Proposals/Cesar Chavez Day

Week of 3/24

ID009/CS009 Final Project

Final Project Guidelines

ID009/CS009 Final Project Ideas SP24

Project Sign-up 

[Add yours here due 3/29]

3/22 ID9 [Intro to Final Projects]

Slides - from previous class

Week 11 - Defensive Climates

Week of 3/31

Week 11 - Reading #1.pdf

Garvin-Doxis and Barker 2004

Communication in Computer Science Classrooms

Week 13 - Reading #1.pdf

Harrison and Tanner 2018

Language Matters: Considering Microaggressions in Science

Week 11 - Defensive Climates

Week 12 - Educational Systems in Practice

Week of 4/7


Riese et. al. 2021

Challenges Faced by Teaching Assistants in Computer Science Education Across Europe


Hofstra et. al. 2019

The Diversity–Innovation Paradox in Science

Reflection Assignment - Department

Week 13 - Final Projects Work Time

Week of 4/14

Week 14 - Final Project Presentations (Joint w/ Phys009)

Week of 4/21

Presentation Day: Friday 4/26, Class Time

Optional Material - Industry Relevance

For your own browsing


Kumar and Wallace. 2014

Communication Strategies for Mentoring in Software Development Projects

(Table 5) 

Gary 2008.

The Software Enterprise: Practicing Best Practices in Software Engineering Education

Full Reading (optional) 


Unrealistic Industry Video 2


Unrealistic Industry Video 1

Audrey Webster 2022.

Day in the Life of a Software Engineer


Reflection Assignment - Institutional Knowledge

Realistic Industry Video