Become a CS Tutor

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If you're interested in helping your fellow students in Computer Science, building you interpersonal skills, and gain some valuable teaching experience, we urge you to become a CS Tutor. Furthermore, you receive up to units (ECS 197T) for your tutoring services.

Winter 2023 Application is open (Due Jan 15, 2023):

Click here to go to the application form


If you wish to apply to be a CS Tutor, you must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Be a registered UC Davis student for the quarter you wish to tutor

  2. Must be in good academic standing

  3. Should have at least a junior standing to receive ECS 197T credits. No such requirement exists to volunteer.

  4. Must have a CS GPA of at least 3.0

  5. If you wish to tutor a lower division course (example: ECS 36C), you must have gotten at least a letter grade of B+

  6. If you wish to tutor an upper division course (example: ECS 120), you must have gotten at least a letter grade of A-

ECS 197T (Tutoring) Units

Our tutors can choose to receive 0 (volunteer), 1, or 2 (returning tutors only) units of ECS 197T credits per quarter for their work at UCD CS Tutoring.

For every unit you receive, you are expected to tutor a total of 3 hours per week. For example, if you chose to get 1 unit, you would tutor 3 hours every week. If you get 2 units, then you should tutor a total of 6 hours per week.

Unless you are volunteering, you should also host a midterm/final exam review session. Review sessions are helpful for students to review the key concepts right before their exam. Moreover, hosting review sessions is different than a simple 1-1 tutoring and would get you comfortable speaking in front of a large audience. If you are worried about hosting a review session alone, then don't! We typically pair 2-3 tutors to host a review session.

If you choose to volunteer, then there are no minimum requirements! We only ask you to maintain a predictable schedule when it comes to tutoring as some students may specifically like your style of tutoring and look forward to being tutored by you. Hosting review sessions is completely optional (but recommended!)

What if I do not have Junior standing?

If you do not have junior standing yet, you can still volunteer as a tutor (we encourage you to! there is no better way to understand something than to try teaching it), but unfortunately you won't be able to receive ECS 197T credits. But should you get junior standing in a future quarter, you can directly signup for 2 units which is reserved for returning tutors.