Blog Post Guidelines

Link to Blog:

Demonstration Template Post:

Submission Instructions: Submit images and markdown files to Hao Liu ( [Template files]

Due: April 24th (end of day).

Goals of the Blog Post

The goal of the blog post is to get students to demonstrate & practice the ability to read and understand technical concepts in research papers. The blog post need not necessarily be tied to the final research project (although it usually is a good idea).

Writing a Good Blog Post

As shown in the demonstration template post, a good blog post should have the following features:

  • A high-level introduction of the topic and its surrounding context, including motivating its importance.

  • A set of simple examples (including figures, pseudo-code, or both) that clearly illustrates the key intuition.

  • A discussion of important implications, including (depending on the topic):

    • Theoretical/formulaic derivations

    • Key extensions that make the idea practically relevant

    • Connections to other topics

    • More advanced numerical/empirical results

  • A summary of some follow-up work that builds upon this key idea.

    • E.g., later papers that build upon the core idea

The target length is a 10-15 minute read. (The markdown language provides an estimate of the reading time.)

Recommended Starter Papers for topics (you can choose something else if you want):