Ltd Realities!


UnLtd Fictions?


What to talk about table, plate, and foods, when our history <> tell us that they didn't exists. We read in books that we came from animals and that at certain time of the story the story itself luck, and we find our-self intelligent beasts sleeping in caves and ripping raw flesh with teeth. Naked, losted into oblivion with nothing maybe a little poket. Then from being a savage we recognize that the lighter is better to light the fire then to wait for the lightinig. It's time now for the coming of more intelligent man to do on earth what he likes more, he makes his own dresses, coultivate grounds animals, till find himself with a pocket and a little swiss knife in it. End of the story. Same will speak, end of the story, in future of the man with little swissknife in the poket, that had it but didn't use, worried to preserve it for a long lasting time. He only carried on the table fork and spoon a little troglodyte they will speak. I'm Sorry I just was forgeting the coin, we were speaking of pockets, land the moon in search of wages, the loaf, and we come back to the table, the plate, Indians with leafs Frenches with ceramics, foods, nowdays you get meat in the cars, spices & fruits, and in 5555a.C. what wil still there on the table if it still will exist, which foods, plates, .... .... ........... I forgot the pocket, salary, the grain,, the wallet?? The Wallet!?! The pocket, the littleswissknife!!!! OK We came at the point a nice fork and it's not a moon or a monkey who the man is, but of choises sometimes even blessed in a society who rules without means or worst with the wrong means. In the market's abyss of the swallowed up economy it is appeared the sistem, of all & for all, that means that one have to get part in it voluntarily and consciously. The cryptovalue, a little crypted string of numbers and letters, like a heavy radioactive element, such a precious indecifrable thing, which has become currency at all effects, with values already known throughout the world market never seen before. But let's go back to the future, in the 5555, what do you think we'll have in the pockets if still there? In the mean time it's better to know even only for curiosity or even better with the desire to know what does really is, knowing that there are millions of people working in background by enought time, and the millions/billions of capitals of the most well-known current currencies traded in bitcoin trading. It's not a joke and it's not even difficult to understand that at these cryptovalue is given the time for all States of the World to think firmly about them, the same for each individual been his own deposit and trading bank. Always forgetting, You know what, the Bitcoin-Chain like well known P2P, like a constant Chat among all partecipants, which only ones duty, to mantain the chain active, having and using each-one theirs own Little Swiss Knife. So pay attention to past and present pockets.