Steem or Steemit buyers and sellers is a new social media that rewards users with Steem dollars for their posts. Just imagine how valuable Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are because of the large number of active users. Users post pictures, comments, videos, and stories that other users find interesting. Users stay on these sites for hours at a time and may not even notice the advertisements running the in the background. This is called monetization when companies run adds around the content you created. The user does not benefit financially for the most part, but with Steemit post the content creator get rewarded in Steem Dollars and Steem Power. Rewards are give out daily to content creators that received "Up Votes" from other Steemit users. Most post and comments receive .01 to .15 Steem dollars. Occasionally, if a post receives lots of views, comments, and up votes the value of the post increased dramatically. $300 to $400 is not uncommon for a high quality post.

At the end of the day, users can cash out their accounts and receive other cryptocurrencies that can eventually converted to paper money like the United State Dollar.

here is a basic example of a post worth about $9.50 by Steemit user @briandenver