The BEST high paying crypto faucets and websites for paypal. Only well made websites will show up here, I am for minimal ads. Come earn now.

Review of >>>>

One of the OGs of crypto faucets, honestly one of my favorites, it has been going for 4 years at least. Very high paying with many coins to cash out, ads are manageable but every now and then a redirect. Other then that it has potential to make some crypto as it has many ways to earn. I would say it's biggest upside is that it is a well maintained site and very user friendly. 9.5/110 

Review of >>>>

This crypto faucet is a hidden Gem, a VERY high paying well built faucet, it has many ways to earn and many coins to cash out from. Very cheap quality ptc advertising if you wanted to spread a referral link for your favorite site. I adore this faucet as the ads are not annoying, and the captcha is simple and fast, you will get a redirect here and there but over all it is worth it to be able to use this amazing crypto faucet. I give it 10/110 

Review of   >>>>

This is beyond a faucet, it is also a Wallet, a ptc site, a crypto casino, exchange, and mining, oh forgot to mention the giant list of 1000s of sites that pay directly to it. This site has a cool feature called wager mining, they have there own token called Feyorra and you mine about 0.07 Feyorra every 500 Satoshi wagered. Which is pretty decent, the site also is not plagued with ads, has no pop ups or Redirects which is very very nice! Given most sites have these annoying intrusive ad placements. Because of its vast capabilities as 1 website thats used by most people who know what a faucet is, Its a hard 10/10

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Review of >>>>

I came across this one not long ago and I like it very much, I think it is newer at the momment so it is worth mentioning, it's pretty decent paying, the ads are not annoying, and honestly it has almost every way you can earn crypto on it which is a great feature. It could be a little more high paying but it is in no way bad at all.

One very great thing to point out is that, the ptc is very cheap if you want to advertise your crypto site or referral link. You can get a ad going either surf ad or ptc with as little as 0.10$ one of the best parts is you can start an ad with as little as 100 views. So all in all I have to give this site a solid 8.5/10 


Review of  >>>>

This is an easy way to make alot of crypto without investment, this faucet has one of the best pay outs I have ever seen. Up to 0.006 bnb per hour! That's alot given bnbs price. Of course you will not be making that right off the bat as there is a lvl system that consists of 8 levels, even at level 5 you would be claiming 3.2k bnb Satoshi which is still the highest paying bnb faucet. Leveling up is simple, you must wager in the sites crypto casino games, as you wager your level increases, I am almost level 4 already so it is doable. What's awesome is they have timewall and cpx research surveys so you do not have to spend any money, do a survey and wager your winnings.

The easiest most effective way I have found to wager many time is to use the dice game to level up, go into the dice game with around 0.00.00050000 bnb which is easy to get btw and then use the auto bet and set your bet to the minimum and set it to on lose bet 100% and make sure your win percentage is on 47 or 48 and turn it on what will happen is you can't lose aslong as you dont exceed your total amount. That's why you start at the lowest bet. With the on loss increase bet by 100% it makes it so what ever you bet you get back and then some. So it would work like this  1lose 2lose 4lose 8lose 16lose win bet resets back to 1. This is the easiest way, just make sure on loss increase by 100% and on Win reset bet.

Cash out when ever possible because there will be times when you hit the big dip and it goes bye bye. Not always but it can happen even at the lowest bet. The earning potential of this site is 10/10 


Review of finalautoclaim >>>>

Very easy faucet to do with a lot of ways to earn, the ptc is nice and easy, I also really like the fact it has its normal faucet and a monthly coin faucet. It's pretty high paying in terms of faucets. My only downside to thithis site is the ads can be a bit much for mobile users. All in all I give it a 7.5/110

What is a crypto faucet?

A Crypto Faucet is a website where you can make small amounts of crypto currency in exchange for a small task, easy tasks usually pay less as harder tasks usually pay more, these days along with being able to claim many times in a day, most offer ptc, shortlinks, surveys, offerwalls, plus many more other ways to earn Crypto.

In simple terms, you are trading your time for crypto, be aware some sites are complete scams, if it seems to good to be true it is most likely a scam or has some huge strings attached to it.

One reason out of many why PhaserBomb created CryptoCashBomb. He does not offer insane amounts and is just an ordinary person but he believes if you do a task you should be paid for your time. CryptoCashBomb is technically not a Faucet but more of a Daily Air Drop Site to help people gain small amounts of crypto. 

How to earn from a faucet?

Simply put, you will either have to do a captcha or some anti bot human verification, a shortlink, or watch an ad.

In exchange you earn a small amount of crypto.

What is a crypto wallet?

A Crypto Wallet is something that can hold your hard earn crypto, there are many forms, like web based, micro wallet platforms, apps, and even offline USB wallets.

The easiest ones are a app based wallet that generates your password key words that make the wallet yours and only yours. Be aware of platforms that store your crypto without you having this private Key that you should have when making the wallet. If you do not have it you do not own it, and your assets can be hacked in the event a hacker attacked the site. It has happened in the past with sites I will not mention.