Sec. 2. Be further aiach.1. That if any pari y.a regular picxet between Uie ports of Tens and some

uaiit: whom iudxtnent shall be rendered by nny justice ibrrum port or port.

ot tin; jkj'.cc shall fail mapped trout or stay suelijudg-j Sec. 3. Be it further cnaetctlTlnt this act shall con A

ment wttn.n tnrce days iroui tnc renuuion llicnot Men .t.nue intuit lorce unMrcpealea.

il snail be lawlul for execution to issue. JOSEPH ROWE

JUSEl'lI nown.

Speaker of the house of reprisentativcsi


President pro tcuu el" the senate.

. pprovcdNov. 4 1837.



Ijoeattnc ttcrmancnUu tic Seat of (Jorer.tment.

Besotted bj the senate and house of representatives

Speaker of the house of representatives.

M. 1J. 1..VMAK

President of the senate.

Approved Dec. IS 1837.


It is proved in evidence Uut tlc ducks wcx Jtml wlicnl moreover resolved to refuse the payment of

stolen. Judre bUcnllcincn of ihe mn.ioti must sennit1' n . . .. l.....l. !. mi u

hl prisoner. Duel are ducks ho JJad daek . not a'"' " " '." .l"u" "- "'T' " ""

hvcdutl; nor a hvo duck . dead duck-law is Uw'c generally imitated as the best calculated

Prisoner is acquitted accordingly. to bring matters to a speedy issue. IB.

urargn aomrsiooe is capitally indicted tcir the willull


All the M ndn Natio.i dead but four

teen mei! We have just learned by a gen-


Rtlating to the pay and allowances of the officers and

I xoiaitrsoj tne army.

Skt. I Be it enacudbv the senate and house of re

gf the republic of Texas m cungiess assembled Tliaprcsciititivcsof the republic of Texas in congress as-jj

inercfliall bo electee! by jo.w toluol ooii. mmsisoi coii-jscmoieu. i nat trom ana alter the passage ol this act no

ress live co'nmiss.unurs any three of whoai snail con otbcir attached to t .c array shall be entitled to piyor

j tiliue a iuoruin for the transaction of Implies wlios 'allowance win. is nut m actual command in camp or gir-

luty it shall be lorthwilh to proceed In select a site for risen under the orders ot the socretan of war. I

.ho permanent locaUmot the seat of government nftutaj Sir. 3 Br itfurthircnactid Tlialfroin and after the

icptibhcand that tncy b required to ite publ c notice passage of tnlsact no non-commissioned officer or private

.f their appointment and receive sucii propositions tbrlttc shall In: entitle d to any p.) or allowance unless in actual

-lie ot lands as ma j be made to tlicni iu.i less trtauoue crucc in camp or garrison

murder of Jane his wife under circumstances of the most

Utrocious and hornft.ng cliancter. The mult of the

prisoner is as deal as the sun at mmiwkr- 'I'lin ilmm of

the nrclelifrf man scrm almti. tn K ..nl..1. I..t TV nm'

Marts the counsel for the isuucr; he objects to the in-jileniau from Washington on whose autiiori-

fi.cimcni ami wny r I lie christian nam. or the prisoncrw vc van implicitly rely tbat all tlic tribes

S'f'fi1aT:iad ?"rsUc "I"" " "0 Ve'of the Maud in nation are dead of small pot.

bnadow of a dunbt as to the idi ntity of the man or Ins i ' . . -... . ' " ""

. ..i .'.. . t ' hut tnitrlnnri or tlllfntl lnrli' lliaflieimnnK

iMiiiLijnuuu in iup crime oi munier. in is Ireru trom nisj"- .w-.-w-.. - vu.ui.i

fet'irs-iiidlctloosciiiiiongiiocittyatlirg.'. (jototicnly.'is now raging to a dreadful extent among

josr.ni nown.

Speaktroflhe hmise of n'prestntatives.

s ii. i:.m:kitt

IVe-idcnt pro tern of tiie senate.

Approved Dec. IS lft.17.


i or more than si leagues of land and also turn nc sueii

places as they may think proper ci vacant Umii ; and

hat they be authorized to i ntur into conditional contracts

:ur the purchase of such lotatioas as tliey niy thiiA pro-1

lr sjoject to ratitica'ion orrtjecuo'i by th congrtss;

. ud tliat tin be required to report to this congress by i

itiu lola .o.cmoer the ihul rem seicctioiL wita anac

urate and full description ot the same to longrcss; and . J X(JT

.hatmiuakinjtheSLli it ous Ihtj La tuunned to tims.eValig iror;;on for time Jhablal m tc tinier of

lion til counuj wmu uk: iiui.iy iiu uuauaiuup j TtxOJi

nuts and uwl the seltit no place uvtroue liiirulrid SlJ. yfc j nilelj iir snall. Mihnmeofri

miles north ot Ue . Aimiuiu roidu..r south ot adi- atimotarrtpMir tf Tiffin roaertM am iihl

net Lne running irotuutci na tyiatho Luailaloujic MiThit Thomas Win. IVar.l Janus J. Nulle James

lfcldcli Joh'l 1 huni U ashiiiluii Soincr ami all others.

iverily liction is but a fool to truth. London paper.

Fnm the Philadelphia Public Ledger.


the Black Fret and Assiiicboincs and other

tribe. It is even stated that the greater

tvirt of thf Assineboines have alo fillcn

' .l.'C 1 fh. 1A I'. r.i ...

We ime i.M-n fnnnj...! i.v . .....!. mtkmn of ictims. i tie itjauaaii nation is oxtuict: and

kliN city null the following i-xincis of tiicMciou Or-' for three or four days more therefore the

lersoiuie Way iroui a letter rcceiin! by him imm i citizens may behold the portraits of the

chieftains of that noble tribe now all that

is left of them at Callings Gallery Stuyve-

r.ver. ciossiii Uicjir-ssuaai roct li.nd.

JObLPU itowi;

Speaker of the house of it pn'sentatives.


Pres.dent p-u tcm.of the souate.

Htioluvu bi.en IieniUUllltl) disbltd bv lussof ee ami.



ilKAi He' urn. U.-J

Mtmoiu Novimbir ! 1C17.

I llf Allmn(P(l tul.tr.! mil I .Ln ! llm tfiii. i.fm.r Ii it '

ilrtaehcd corps betuuen the Oth and 2;lili instant. -.sant Institute. N. Y Star.

Kverv coininaiuli r llf nriimi UK .mil mm will tu n.rsnn. I

Uiy answer ibie for the strict dicip!.ue of the troops un-'J From the New Orleans Bulletin.

..rUco.nn. mo RiMioim p-p.ty oi me d.-u nee-1 CoNonEs. On t he 4tli of January in the

'essandpeaceat.lein.ialiitaiitsto be resii-eted and par- e .. . ;""" " "

lieuUrly U.e p.r-ons and piu-nr belou-in- ti.fneiidljsc"atc' memon Is rcjoltitiotis and reports

mcrs. Ine country occupied 10 bo personally with ii were lite orui-roi iitu u ly. njr. I reslon ot

chirge oi the chief of the general Mart of the army ad 0tith Ciroliu.t iiitni'lucetl resolutions rc-

r'er!m; :i'." ""-' t"-'r-'1 a"'cct5 '"ld wlU' lUo Suv""" l.tti e to the annexation of Texas to the U.

Imintu! 1 eos Miall join th-anu). . . . . . . . . '

j.iaiea itiitciK'iicitcii an iiiierestiug achate.

From the .iaepin-r. Thc preamble to the resolutions declares

The Mexican p-paM inform us tint should Trvw be the Km Grande to be the true boundary of



' csta-

Htioluvu bi.cii tieniuuii.tn disbbd bv lussof ee.anuj

.!... r i. ..II. I . . ..! i ii'nwiiMnni n il. tn .llX.Cull C.HI r.!.4aiiil 1'ft ili'lit in. an ... IT. .:... I C!-.. .!. . . r .

uri'uiii "i suciuiiuiii luiui usny ceniiicaie oi iiir .m - - i-- .-- -- - -f.- - liu CJIIIieu Ulte UI1UIT lite treaiv 01 I

. t. a . I.A..p.flifti.i.ii..imiitfl.tlili.i.r. l.irill.a.li.t J

ol una cuminiMonors UUmi ins mean tut r Ir tioUiir Ja-1" "'l- '"- r" Kw.v . .. -. ..iim niiil fniilpiitl. Itiit unirr ill.

...i ti...v ..r.. in.i.e.i u..i I..I-. iis..i i-Jm..Trmntioii the a.mva f liic ikisii moat hktlv iu dll the nuoiis ol puiic inaKc it expeilicuL to


To 7.t the Officers and Soldiers ot'4hc Army andXurv.

the. i. Be it cnctcd tty ihu M.naie and uouso orrc-j

jic-M.iiUm-tf of tlic republic of Teai in congress a;-!

LIllULd 1 nut two liiniilrLU cuil ntty UiolwikI dolurs ot i

itiv 1'iutit sory roles to ! isuct by an act id on

ilic Vth ot June 1SJ7 arc hereby fprr-.y jpjronnrael 

Ittrlhf pjviurni of rrcirjgcs now due tlic officrsof thei

arm) ud uj aud the suluien and sulors of the sjiiI'Oi

fca;. - he U further enacted. That eitry jrs-on cn-

titltd io lilt piwiictit jirovided by this act 'iilJ. when ho

prta.u slis Uialu lotfie treasurer take aumthtlut said

Irat. v: ticAis were urigiiiaily islic(I to It m an J tiul since

of land cadi as a tus'.ituony uf Uiu jjiat itudc of this n.-sllu-illon'

uubh j


Slitlfag an appropriation to iwy fir public printer.

Hrxalrttt. bv (he seu.Ur and house of rrnrcst ntalirrs

lie iu. noi sol J or aliiuaiid or pledged the sxw 2 to anyi 0f tie rpblic of Texas in congress assembled. Tint thf

p'ruii jiw tiwi na w now 111c bona nae aua sole own'r oij secretary ot the treasury be required to execute and uc-

11 ur them. Iftiw-re Ovi any cudorst.ram or pti4miicc.'Tvr toCniger and .MMre the proprietors of the prcs

f udur.nfii..unanT drti. the Holder s'nll Ik: required '.. nl in tinntlnrr tor the? mvorninint. .1 drjft inmn tin

to pnxlucw si1 afacioi) pfoitf to tin treasurer that the sjid.Hedor f the wa of jalrt ston jnyaMe at bight foi

iroli h s ulv r irn oiu or iranM. rruu. 1 nlc &Uni ot one tnousana uoll irs.

Mtli Uie adine to he the true boundary bv

mnntn(r Fpt.k tit I ho I Ti.m. !.-

Stc. 1. And Ic it further enacted. That the I md The Mexican brig of -.rl labcrtada aid the Brills!. . &y ' Morris All.-n Morrrl -in I

ereM r.ntcd l!l be incla.led iiithln tlut ela.s oflbirquo Cirrantu e.c los. olT era Cruz about tl.e firs. l ":J .f. T! . ' Wor.rr'-a";'

1L . U. I'IC. mi.CT13JCllll-l III IIICT CII9C:U'-1UI. lllllCn lOlllv

.1 iile range iinil w.is marked by no little

Mexico Ins been recentlv us ted I.v destruetite eirtli- ncerbitv ol leeluu; and t rt periiiinlilio-i.

Uak.s. Ac3pulc..wasc.....1.letelyovert.iroi ai.d ihejlc .-.11011 ol rfbnlitlotiiMn was ol" course

cty ot Mex.co w.i also threatened ttith ruin lint tl.e "i :. .. j . . i. . i .-

:.oaUtonfe.hKln-r.d.n0iv.l.ddnomatenalin'.aira'l1 "' "" - -Il .p Quoting -X-Ijuty.

Ti K ail fi...-Ksr.iciio.i ;C Acpulco cam ch.i.igetl between its clinmpions ami v:.-

lhe intiiuot tne ro'titr buci. in its iui.ini.i.ia)s'wnent.i .rOIIla Uc'lote tlic cio?e in tut1 tuu.nei.l-

iiortd H.t.i inteme in.oiei. ucr t.i ... e-a mat recorded 7-liU viilnect. if we innv jinlfp fr.nn nnnt

i.l.e overthrow ol ci..-s .11 ij oi I ..r.d There were ..... . i .... .....;.... '

'vcral shock. oomwoun at lust LTidu.lli but ln.1. " .J . rj gc wr-

creashig till tbe ciiy .us re.mced 10.. m.s uf ninu "Oll OI Hit pre-eni eMou. inn'! I r it him

UoUjeschurc.ir'publcb.iiM ..lisl.lle.l ... inucom-. been .ilinosi me sole suiijeci ol uchale mid

111011 mm. 1110 r.n-b tail's i.ki..n'-niii2iiou.tJiefcrsti'r.e:rie to inucll beat and aiurir il'-miti.

1.1. .k nat HUM0. 1. . f . 3 " .1 - -


chimants to Hhoiu sixinontl.s.iref.renceh-11 bern .nien.'.'nit. .1. O. J tc.

1 Jcteia-ii mnvi-

Shaker of the htmse ofreprt-cnlttlTCB.

I is. 11. i: laiiTT

1'rejident pro leni. of the senate.

Approrcd Dec lbiii 1M7.


Sic U. And be it further enacted Tint if the sitirt-

t.ou .filieIlepublic.ouldbesuci.atoreiu re a greater

iss . f '.he p.o.n ssor notes th tn the an.ot.ut approjtn-

atcd be an act passed the Uth of June 1SJ7 tiul thei

l'resu'ntb jBiiJ ne here-bjr r-.iircd :o have iMued

n.. . im.lr..! and fltv tiious md dolljis of the promissory

notes of 11..S "oiemtneni of the sa nc character and no'

inure: and jlso liiat the treasurer or bu elm! clerk is

hereby anl'ioiizedlo ad.ninisti-rthe oith prescribcil in the

idectiolioftnisau; and furtht.-pnii.de-dliial the I'rc-

s.dej t be aiit'ionzed to spiun: a proxj to s gn h.s name to

the abote notes.

josnrii nown.

Speaker of the hoic of representatives.

M. 11. LAMAlt

Tresident of the senate.

Approved Dec. IS 1S3T.


Speaker of the house nf representatives.


Prri'dcnl pro'tein. of the senate.

Approved Oct. 12 ls."t7.


Unci tor l.ie u...t put u .110 111c BeUs so tnat the ": if see.na iut as ftr Irnm nn am:kl-.

loss ot Ilia wascumpr ..icl) .usiiulicut. Uunng tin- 7 . J ....ie.iuie

...gin the o.. f ucsttuctioii m dune and with tn.'atljustiueut a eier. How much is 11 to be

retumofdav ii.Hlsaliilsfuud li.culsehes hoalekss and t. j.ltirc.l that such a lire brand of discord

rumed. HWiy Courier. was ever ihroun Into our nation il Leo-.-l.i-

- . . r ;




Munier! nohce. mil ce! that fellow Ins kuoclcd me

'.l.iwii and .ll-treat.'d dm 111 a mo: slnmeful manner.

T.lc Inn. intocn-.tudy seize hi tn I''

Poheeiuau H didn't sec the asslult.

I "(ioikI Ciod! I liaic been liamcful!v treated; I am

bruised all over; I might hae hoen .llnIercd.'

I Pol cctnan "I don't see any blood; can't take thrj

mm into custodv ualc-s I see blood or tl.e assmlt com-

'mitted: must oV-v orders. IItlIui.ou ulii uonun ...oej

i thcr nub lour basket imne on or 1 11 take vou auo

Sour biki't b.'lbre the 1.11 'istrit.'." 

God Llc-rf ou. sir. I'i c t o ior oung orplnn grand-


lure. For our country's sake we trust

Captain Lawn-no. of He s up Ang.nn. at this por!.' ' -pfediljr be CAllligui-lied- l.ittle btl-i-

n'.HIdajs l.o.n la 101.11 111 1 .uiuii"s fiat .-sels 111 ti.i.-nes-s 01 .iiuiiirue n.13 uune 111 me iloil-C o-

iort iud be n unbirg.K.1 111 u'is qu. uce of ilia war w.th UcnifsClllativ e. The bills brought lip were


thePenuimgoierninont. IV- A.y.w . l.'or. IVuner. . ...... v ( .. nrimtani loc-.l 1. .... '

.oi..n:ucketl'ii.dnolr'amuve-... ' -....ci.


nf Bristol. I'louirhtm. '

ind a number ol iruci wn.l s 1 m uetc in itort u'irii t . . ..

.he blockade was declared. :V Krc- .eh conctle an..ed' ''C following IllgCllluUs and dellCatf COtn-

Uwn after and dernandf .1 ne release ot me K.ench ship- parisoii e cut iroui the commencement of

which was grained. Tne Anienean teasel inuurdiat. 11' article iu the Neuark Uailv Advertiser:

dcMi..ndcd permission 1 Io leake tne twri nmcli Mas also VCI1 a child IS suddenly tran-ferrcd"

'eranted by bonuing the vrscls. 1 . ' . mu

I Tnc Chilian llonllah:.! s.l.d n.r tl.e coast nf rc....l"" the arras ot one person to tlioeofaii

under the coiiuuand of Com audore PulOelauoAVu-oilier by natural and beautiful in-tinct it

Bedford Mercury. lurns its Iie..u.nrl looks at Ibe litst uith an

vn . Pirvv:.-vi: .eJe ol ""luis'lve";ss asl ."thirty as if it

c. ... w' ...... :. .. lJ'teJ. UMr le change were lor the

1 nT ....s ur rumen. ut.Uer- in like uiauncr when we as iniolun-

o uuexpert.

with all the pet.y ami ur.iitelliible details lanjv a lue (- 1 not

SufirXcmcRtan to an a t Utvaj the ojEccrt soldiers and 'cMdrcn at home starving : a ki..d.heart. d gcntl. rmii gave

.7o.-a of tic t.rmy and nary. 'IIlC (fj c-nwnand I've laid il out in fruit to turn a pen-

bre. 1. oenenua.u.uyiKnuu. uu....j ..-nvnKinnpme.- w lie i make up llieSiKinlsS neivs 111 tlic Lou-!' it. are n tsstii"-from an ol.l v...r

nrc.cntti.-ct ot the rruublic of lixa 1 congress as- -Can't 1i--1p all that: miBt obey orders mote onP . .. 11 . ' i : . . . ...tU.' are Pa:'s"o lrom a" "ul yt-T to a new

KwWid.Tlul t'.ebtu.Hlsol.l.e-bolcrccileUactuin. C.tvcilv! hold hard!" UU auu a ... a'"-. " " c.mun.. . .i. 0I1C le are mUCli more disposed to look

ic.clcd 10 1 extended to all oriiccis soldiers and sailors HJio conductor jou're full; let me out thcrc'sna that tile Cause III Lion CsirlOs seein ail but 'behind that! before US. t.ll the solicitude of

uiioioai now be or tiaie bcenheretofore tngaged intlic . T.-v- frllow's de'if conductor.' Ihopeless. Weak as are the resources ofii ouiemjlie jke rcrel is eUled inln tl

defenee"olil.eco.intre.ther.nti.eamiyoriuvy. B.-g pardon -a'am.- 1C government his own are weaker hW' i.i....Bre ul resl"U Itlou or i...l.llrl

fcu;. .1. Be it further tnartcJ Tnat llie benefits of -t'lumsi ! n.v bonnet's crushed to p.ecef. Stop; you1" e . 1.1 composure ol n.sloll.lU0U or lilUlitercuce.

J.i.t'uallbeeitei.dwd..l..oso w.10 rendered actual'! i. inm yourself couductor to tell me piniifeui is u....;vumiU ...c.c c.u.

011 knew there was notr" Ue no aouiu 111..1 one energetic mow uy tuei X IRON tlORSE. 1 mecnanic named Da-

wl.oarcyou?allrghtrai.dotttiiey 'Queens principal general would brmti Hie t id ..liter 01 Me Haven has invent1 o

'go.iburtc-n ins.de.r.Hiroutdrerandcad.and gpint t.i.iglrlfe 0 a COIlcuslo. 'j'lie kins;ilom is ill iron horse that is propelled by sprinus bv

ilolborn their veins and sinews starting as though they ami agncuiiup ucing ruiucti oy tne civil the greatest ease; tne noise is a lart similie

1 h ?. cl

jwrsoual and only for personal sen.ces in the auny uiU'tlcri. na m whcti

iiavj.ani only that orliou of them v.uo are the ongiual j -Youbcd i!;wh

Lolde.S ol sa.d cleans.


fc"akcr of tue House of Iteptesentativc.

.MlK.ni:.Vu li. I. MAK-1're-s.delil

ot tuo Senate.

Approved Uth Dec ISU7.



To encourage tram narization.

3i. 1. Be it exacted bu the Senate and JlauscofRe-

praiotatins of tie Uepuldie of Tesa-. in Congress as

lembled VV'iKreasit u conceited that uiebestiii.crcstof

the e . untrv inay be au anceu oy uie eucnuragcine-u. 01 .1.1

jut.-MiioaVif the tiulf of Mexico by steam packets cud

would burst. Thevgiin the top; ariial omnibus is close

ujion their rear mil away tl.e tuo dshat a furious speed

'each s'riving to gain the lei.l. and reckless of tl.o rusk of

liff 1111 nm d bv the cn.Wih'd -tale ol the thoroughfare.

I HU-ss me! what's that 'dragging its slow length along'

covere-d over w.th tuosc imnieiise plicarus 01 uncrs col-

ors? Martntc Steam ltailroids Hat all! an adver

tising machine a locomotitc: bat nobody stops to read

'th. re's I... time for that iu the cmndi d s.rects. Of what

'use can it b. t inod (.oil. tli it g. utl.-inau w.ll be thrown

nuioftae -"".liis lioraeistn"litenedat iheplccards; he's

" ..... . ..i... ki "..... ........ nina.ntraw-n cnmutiic 21" is uuncu iguuxew

xj ionnaffC 1UII lUIC dll. Ii.'.. c-t..ia...M V ...... m . l.e -I

as 1.1 .onnaec c'w J the "ciitlMiian -s tnrovn out. Is he hurl? he is inseiisi-

li"HZ. mis.nucl.es the emi-rant is compcll. d to'blr; th'-y are carrying h.m to a surgeon s.

-. . ..Jl...cc&raaa-c.ujBbf nreveuin-maM & : Iook at tl.it you..

trout t Jt-8Uu cau'IrJ wau ould utliciuise Ucl in-

ihned to do so uierelorc

iicitjuriner enacicti iiai fu&i anu c.crj

jwar It is stated that the Cortes has niinul-iol a lue one and will go at the rale oftwen-

;led the contract with tlc liothschilds. for.'to miles an hour. He thinks there will be

working tlic tiuicksilicr imucs ot aMmaden. no use lor rail roads as it will e much

Com. Adv. cIicmDit. as the horse w ill not eat one biislw.l

PORTUGAL iOoals.fi..year!

Intelligence had been received from Lis- from the Houston Ttlcgraph.

bon to liiciuth of. Noi ember. A miuistn 1 . CoNslUUilUN WulckkO!

! r 1 1 17" . i 1 bv a tetter inmi ujuiLaiuii wc ledrn tlwt the steam.

had been formed at last Viscount ba 1a Jmm w-s recll on ttmnmZTa

Uaildcira being at lt- lieail. It as liberal y tm UU. un the Louisurei coast about three iniU-s east

and popular and would probabU iiavd a ot the &abiue Lake. &uc had sixty posseugorsun board;

1 a . . ri ... 1 1I1. luiuatrr nnil th rrn u.t .It l..l ! . .

..mm rJeaii n the window ' COOU CIIOCI. IIC .QTVS ere UlSCtlS-inj; "".' !" ""- '' - -" w Mitr)

ated on ilei.li.-..:iof tl.e thml story of that gcntl- .the constitution- 1 lie .Mlguellte guerillas uct Uva lo haloa Wc Xmil eZ

m...j l.i.iif.i I Vint n t tnrfmii4 .ilnitniii il V rn jllr f.. I.tlt iinirn. 1 1 t lri t lorn I trii'i t irt: iiiil ' . i . .1 ...

ua.-. .w. "" - o' .V I viM"wl iitj" ..v . -.... . v....v asM eiUDieuioiuiiii3uaiuuivuii.caMriccouuiol tma USas-

fV.. r...M.v : j -- ----.- - - .ijceii 1

. .. . .. ". ....."! - -

steam . clet .nil uuy arr.ie Iron any foreign port a. S"? "? 7 '"" ux properapra...s.or .... p.e

steamp.ca.e'.nc. . . ' . e. ... Uid are arcu-ionied to that sort uf work. 1 he master

of llie hons) cannot plead vcrty; his carriage is at the

Idoor. Wlm'a thai: The poor girl his lost her uo!d;sbc'

. ..i.. ..i.i .......rif t'no lri'...i istai: n"; ;ie is oisiicii uu ...u iMiewcuiueiun. ou i-

1M..4 ... siu es. of ollie. ikiuiic orotnv ircc ui anv '. .. ...... ... . . . .!

lUtiicni sio ta w v. i y x - i.Lilb .! 'I Imr.. will In .in tnnt.est on llie bodv: 1-crdicL

at no an-ir--" -:- ' ' '

been routed and dispersed.

i ur .11 our next.

steam ii.cl.ei wuici uuy arrno lrom any lorcijn pon at "- " . ' .

!i?i...u rex.l.eaudli.cyarenc.e..y tempted fio -ml are areu.iomtU to that sort ul

n . ea o V iW" ontics.-iMsudip.cke. f "' " .? fe"" lKT-"-V;I

IbepajiiK.. o j ' h. jnj idoor. Willi's that- The poor girl

th . Le bou-dat co tnp 10 transport when required'!1

. .... iiiit sio e'i. or uliie. iwunc orotieny l

ciuge tiicrefur; anu prodded furtner tint

j Captain Fulton wuo lias recently been engaged in

L'sunciug llie liaibcr of Aiaiucs lies tnlonued us uai tl.t-


The anti-constitutional projrets of "."1

 Erne! are Ilkeljr lo ineel witll a nou Opj OHiy t(4jUt or itn lect arc now niiecn or twenty Uei.

i position. THC proviiicipal estate oi Uul tie u.m uie siiduowtsi wttr oi uie prcseai channel

M"- .. . .i . jtc nienui iipaiii." uaiii - - r . . . . ....i i. i. .. t . ... ir.. i. .

.j...riiii.iri. r.iiair. a io irdnsiwn moEQ man nvo'i kVinL mi hn

liunared barrels mtiuU; ana proeidcd rhat the bencfili I tl.o ..lections 1

of tu sacts.iJli-xt.ndioi.osle'aiu packet. vc-selwirch!! CEnrLCocttT-Jrix.K CorssEt -PmsoMit'. inc. cit-ciiuiis.

lull not be cutered uiwa ucr fcit trip to Ux country aslwha Jones micted lor stealing a couple ol tire uticls. lilg IO uie cuii3iii.ciiic.ii u. .o... ...m JiacitnJp0r.i

.'accidental dcatli.'' Bah!

ie re.-olietl not io proceed to "'" ""' " """ """ - "- . uao meiu iKiS.

' .ii..."n.....l r i .... .........1 oi.uulaiuitiicrobBC'rvat.oiscoiifirmtliesercscarchesiho

orlhecicneralM. e.- accord-clyu AtJU3 .U .e-ssanly become the coinnT.cIal

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