CROW is an indie-folk group whose sound centers on the dual electric ukuleles of Tamara Williamson and Patty Ewaschuk, original song-writing, and experimental harmonies. CROW is backed by drummer Antony Cook (Kon Kan, King Apparatus, Acid Test, Ska Face) and bassist Chris Waller (Mrs. Torrance). Jason Woodhams, lead man for Twelfth Man, was CROW's first drummer, and plays on most songs on CROW's EP "Everything You Ever Wanted". CROW also plays as a duo.

CROW headlined at the Royal City Ukulele Festival, was featured in the Downtown Guelph Music Weekends series in 2018 and performed at Guelph’s Silence Presents in 2017. CROW has opened for Elliot Brood, Lindy Vopnfjord, and Bry Webb (of the Constantines). CROW is from Uxbridge, Ontario.

Tamara Williamson has been a mainstay in the Toronto music scene since the early 90‘s. She released 3 albums with her band Mrs. Torrance on the major label BMG. She then launched her solo career which included touring in Europe with Feist, and releasing 8 solo albums. She wrote, directed, and stars in the Break-Up Diet, which won the 2019 Adams Award for Best New Musical Script.

Patty Ewaschuk played bass and sang lead vocals in the indie rock band Yellowbelly, on Kingston's Proboscis Funkus label (founded by the Inbreds). Ewaschuk played the drums in Lonnie Claire, a roots rock band in Washington D.C. and had a short spurt playing bass with an Eritrean reggae band.