What is Crossed Word Publishing?

Crossed Word Publishing is not a church. It is not a corporation or company of any kind. It is a WORK, spread from one true believer to another. It involves free bible study aids in the form of ebooks, audio books, and documentaries. They are free, and they may be distributed freely, so long as they are neither sold nor altered.

What denomination does Crossed Word support? 

NONE. The word 'denomination' suggest there are factions in Christ's body, which there aren't. The best way to explain this is to say Crossed Word exhorts the 'ekklesia', meaning the spiritual body of Christ. Christ's body has no splits, and therefore Crossed Word cannot be part of any denomination.

Does Kenneth Young have credentials from seminaries or bible colleges?

No! If you are looking for credentials from human universities based upon worldly wisdom, you won't find them here!

That said, I do have a B.S. in Physics and a Masters in Science Education. I do not advise you to pay attention to such credentials, however. People who have such credentials simply show they are part of the world's educational system; a system which is obviously very much in need of overhaul. The evidence I provide in my books is either sensible and spiritual, or it is not. My credentials, then, are irrelevant.

Paul counted his former education as rubbish (Phil. 3:8), and so do I. Science as we know it exists primarily to build a case against God. The primary value of my attending college is that it taught me the arguments I needed to know that I would one day DEBUNK according to the holy spirit. I debunk many of the scientific community's greatest lies and logical fallacies in the Scriptures and Science series.

So I learned commonly accepted scientific theory in college. But I learned to THINK from the holy spirit.

Since Crossed Word's books are free, doesn't that prove they are worthless?

Absolutely not! To some people they are worthless, but to others they are priceless. God likens the gospel to an expensive pearl; but pearls have no fixed value. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I can only tell you when I began to receive God's word, it was the most valuable thing I had ever seen in my life. Others may not think so. That is okay. 

How does Crossed Word Publishing support itself?

Crossed Word Publishing does not receive tithes and offerings. It is neither a church, nor a corporation, nor any other type of business. It is a WORK, and I perform this work on a shoestring budget. Sometimes people ask how they can help support Crossed Word. One way volunteers can help is to distribute the books, and promote the website. The bible study aids I provide are absolutely free. I do not solicit donations; however, this does not mean I do not accept help from volunteers! Another way they can do this is to buy me a meal or other supplies I need to keep spreading the word. This is why I have setup the KEYWORD program. 

What is KEYWORD?

KEYWORD is subset of a spiritual organization: a subset of Christ's spiritual body, the spiritual temple, or the ekklesia. Consequently, it is not something we will find listed in any government registry of nonprofits. This is not surprising because the government doesn't recognize CHRIST either. But KEYWORD is a subset of true believers  who elect to support Kenneth Young as he labors for Crossed Word Publishing in spreading the Word. In other words, donors to KEYWORD are KEYWORD.

Richard Dawkins, one of my intellectual opponents, sells books and makes celebrity appearances for his bread and butter.  He also relies upon funds from his non-profit foundation, The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science, to help spread his evolutionist message. Crossed Word Publishing also adheres to science and reason, but spreads the all-encompassing theory of Universal Recycling. Unlike Richard, I earn nothing from any of the media I publish for Crossed Word Publishing.

KEYWORD, on the other hand, has no ties to Crossed Word Publishing. KEYWORD holds no intellectual ideals; it is neither a religious foundation nor a church. KEYWORD asserts that "the laborer is worthy of his wages" (1 Tim. 5:18). Thus, KEYWORD provides my wages, and it supports my livelihood. It helps me pay for food, for gas, and for other necessities of life. This is one way he ensures I can continue to keep up the fight. If you volunteer to assist in this way, you are assisting my work to spread the gospel, the holy spirit, and the Seed of God's word.

Crossed Word Publishing is not a business. Again, it is a WORK. However,  I am a laborer (or employee) tasked with performing that work, and like all employees I receive wages for my labor.

Is KEYWORD a government-sanctioned and registered 501c3?

No! Like Crossed Word publishing, KEYWORD cannot be recognized by the government because it is a subset of a spiritual organization: Christ's body. Governments are by definition materialistic, and materialists cannot recognize spiritual things. They recognize RELIGIONS, and this isn't one. Thus, your gifts to Kenneth Young are not tax-deductible. If you are looking for a tax deduction, please look elsewhere. 

Who is the CEO, or head, of Crossed Word Publishing? And is it the same head as KEYWORD?

In both cases, the CEO is the holy spirit. An organization is a group of people. Kenneth Young, on the other hand, is the recipient of KEYWORD. No one else is. Its members are those who choose to give to support Kenneth Young.  When you give, you are KEYWORD. You are the members of Christ's body, or the ekklesia, who freely, voluntarily, decide to give to Kenneth Young for preaching the gospel.

Does KEYWORD advocate planned giving?

Unlike many organizations, KEYWORD does not solicit funds from anyone's future inheritance. As Jesus says, "It is not good to give the children's bread to the dogs." This may seem like it is just about food, but it means so much more. By "dogs", Christ refers to savage wolves who advocate church hierarchy, which is a similar social order to what we find in a wolf pack. When you give your children's "bread" to the dogs, like snarling wolves, the whole pack fights for their piece; and the alpha male takes the largest share. These people love "planned giving" because it permits them to swindle the elderly into thinking they can buy their way into God's kingdom. So this is extortion, pure and simple. Peter tells Simon Magus:

...May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could acquire the gift of God with money!" (Acts 8:20 [NASB])

Again, I suggest you all spend your money as you see fit. Giving is commendable when it stems from pure motivations rather than fear or self-preservation. This is because God looks upon the heart. This is why I advise against planned giving. I suggest you give your money to your kids or other heirs. They can decide for themselves if they want to give away part of their inheritance.

Why are you worthy of our support? Shouldn't you get a job like everyone else?

Some people labor in the word. That is my primary job. I also rely upon part-time jobs, like Paul, who made tents. And he also compiled the argument for laborers' worthiness to reap material things thousands of years ago:

If we sowed spiritual things in you, is it too much if we reap material things from you? (1 Cor. 9:11 [NASB])

In other words, my worthiness to reap material things depends solely upon whether I have sown spiritual things in you; thus it depends upon the value you place upon the Word itself. But when I reap material things for my labor, it is not exactly a gift. It is more accurately barter. The word of God which I trade is metaphorically gold and silver, which is true wealth, but which is not actual legal tender in our current society. In the same way, the government cannot accurately discern value for spiritual concepts. They can't assess fair market value on God's word. One man's treasure is another man's trash. 

Paul could have easily advanced in the ranks of the Pharisees and become one of their foremost teachers, but he gave it up for the gospel. I too have made many sacrifices for the sake of the gospel. I have invested huge amounts of time into these books in lieu of advancing my own career. I began my academic career as a science teacher, but instead chose to become a straight shooter and teach against evolution. I began my religious background in a fundamentalist materialistic church, but instead chose to become a straight shooter and teach against the dangers of carnal-mindedness. Make no mistake, I would do the same thing again, without a moment's hesitation. It's just the opportunity cost for finding God's WORD. It's like a man who breaks a shovel unearthing the world's most expensive pearl.

As with each of you, God promises me:

So He said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who shall not receive many times more in this present time, and in the age to come eternal life.” (Luke 18:29 - 30 [NASB])

KEYWORD sounds like a scam!

Then don't give me anything! Participation in KEYWORD is 100% voluntary.  God will ensure I will always have sustenance to continue my labor. That said, I certainly don't condemn you for your reluctance.  There are plenty of gifts of the holy spirit.  Perhaps you serve the body in other necessary ways.

If you want some say in how I use your gift, don't give. I live and eat responsibly, but my wages are mine. I don't claim to be brilliant at managing money. I will use the gifts volunteers provide me as I see fit, just as I would use my income from working at a fast food restaurant as I see fit. If this bothers you, don't give me anything.

How much should I give?

You decide! Just like giving itself, the amount, or value, of your contribution does not matter; it is the spirit in which it is given. Obviously, some contributions are more helpful than others, but less helpful contributions easily combine to make more helpful contributions. Paul writes:

For if the willingness is present, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have. For this is not for the relief of others and for your hardship, but by way of equality— at this present time your abundance will serve as assistance for their need, so that their abundance also may serve as assistance for your need, so that there may be equality; as it is written: “THE ONE WHO HAD GATHERED MUCH DID NOT HAVE TOO MUCH, AND THE ONE WHO HAD GATHERED LITTLE DID NOT HAVE TOO LITTLE.” (2 Cor. 8:12 - 15 [NASB])

I don't spend as much time gathering physical manna as I do gathering spiritual manna, and "breaking bread", or distributing God's word. Which brings us to another question:

How do we know you won't waste or squander our gift, and start living lavishly?

Before I can answer that, I must ask: who decides the definitions of "waste", "squander", or "lavish"? I have a place to live, and a car. I eat out at restaurants several times a week. Does this mean I am squandering my pay? Someone living in the third-world might think so. Many such people live far more simply than I do, and they would call my lifestyle extravagant.  If even one person decides I'm not spending my pay as they see fit, does it mean I'm living lavishly and frivolously? 

I know a minister--a tithe-taker no less--who spent money frivolously all the time. And every time he ran out of money, he would put more pressure on his church to cough up more.  How is that situation different from KEYWORD? The simple answer is that men like this man EXTORT money from God's children, which makes them THIEVES. Such thieves live lavishly themselves, but still have the audacity to accuse others of not donating enough to "God's church", or "stealing from God". The scriptures symbolically call such people not just gluttons and drunkards, but also thieves and hypocrites. We may learn more about this in Does God Require Tithes and Offerings? and Who Guards the Henhouse?

I, on the other hand, accept GIFTS. Who doesn't? But I do not accept contributions with strings attached. Our wages are the gift of God. If you want accountability, don't send me anything. I'm neither an accountant nor a CEO. I'm a scribe, and I am entrusted with compiling the message I have been given. I live frugally, but I still like to live. Some of you will be better at managing money than I am. Good for you! 

Can you see the difference between these two philosophies? KEYWORD offers liberty and transparency from the outset. Unlike tithe-takers, I do not guilt anyone into paying me anything. You are free to spend your money as you please, and I am free to do the same.

These are donations, and they are purely voluntary. However, by donating you will be helping to support my labor, that others may also receive the word. Several scriptures reinforce this point about labor:

Is it not lawful for me to do what I want with what is my own?  (Matt. 20:15 [NASB])

Then one from the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” But He said to him,  “Man, who made Me a judge or an arbitrator over you?” (Luke 12:14 [NASB])

And speaking of inheritance:

How come I gave you a gift, but never received a thank you note?

Customarily, a laborer does not say "thank you" upon receiving a paycheck. The paycheck is the laborer's wages, and it is God's gift. But I have written one thank you note for all my donors. Here it is:

Dear Fellow Laborer:

As you may know, I spend most of my free time writing and distributing the word, which regrettably means that I do not have enough time to send all my donors a thank you card. Or, often times, read and respond to all emails. But I am grateful for your contribution to the work, and for the value you place upon God's word. We're all in this together.  

May God grant you increase in the holy spirit.

--Kenneth Young

Crossed Word Publishing

The next time you want to read it, just return to this website.

Who is Kenneth Young?

I am just a guy once held under the bondage of "Christian" false teachers. I attended the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) for nearly a decade, and the United Church of God (UCG) for nearly 15 years. Around 2016, when I began to analyze Herbert W. Armstrong's prophetic record, I realized he was a false teacher, and produced a documentary exposing his hypocrisy. I distributed this documentary on Facebook to various "COG's"under the nondescript pen name "Hugh Mann". In total, I got a little over a thousand views, until my account was mysteriously deleted. 

Later, after I became aware of certain abuses and injustices in my own church, I produced another documentary addressing my minister's lies, proving him to be a false teacher. I strongly felt someone needed to say something, but unlike my prior documentary I presented this one only to the people to whom he preached. I did not preach it publicly. 

I saw this limited exposure as my only possible avenue for starting a conversation about the dangers of false teachers. I also deemed it a sort of "litmus test" to see how the people involved would react. When my true identity got out, I was very quickly and quietly "booted", which confirmed my suspicions. Paul got more justice from the Roman government than I got from men who claimed to be "God's ministers". 

Though it was strange to have been removed from the organization I believed all my life to be "God's church", I did not feel terrified of being damned to hell fire or suffering in the great tribulation, the fate they frequently ascribe to "bootees" like myself. By that time, I knew in my heart that the true church would demonstrate empathy, kindness, love, forgiveness, and the other fruits of the spirit; and in general, I have yet to see them.

So that meant it was time to do a whole lot more soul-searching. Gradually, I realized that nearly everything I had ever known about religion was built upon carnal-mindedness, and a sole focus upon the material rather than the spiritual. 

So I began testing everything I once learned in my former religion according to the scriptures; and these tests convinced me it was predominantly carnal-mindedness. And the same is true of every other church I have investigated. This problem is inherent to ALL organized religion. Sorry if the truth hurts! But somebody's got to say it!

From there I studied tirelessly for years, continually testing and refining my beliefs according to God's word. But gradually, after finding my old religion wanting, my work progressed to much more. I began to see many of the same basic arguments from my former religion appearing in various other Christian denominations. It turns out there are only so many ways false teachers may twist the scriptures. 

Then, gradually, all my studies on various subjects began to converge. I began to see that all the doctrines I began to discover fit together, like the measurements of ONE object; like a pearl. Whereas in my former religion I saw a mishmash of inconsistent doctrines, as I discovered the truth I began to see CONSISTENCY. No matter how you measure a pearl, its circumference and diameter are the same. The same is true of the gospel. 

And after I found the world's most expensive pearl, I realized I had to make my studies freely available to all, so people could learn not only from my mistakes, but from my successes.

I operate this website as a free service for those who have become disillusioned with human religion, and search for something more. 

I make no claim to be a minister; instead, consider me a whistleblower. I do not solicit tithes or offerings. I seek neither human reverence or trust; both of which should rightly be reserved for God. Every book I have compiled on this site is according to information which already exists; I did not devise any of it. It has all been revealed by the holy spirit.

If you find my studies spiritual, please share them!


Kenneth Young, October 2023