Croatian Immunological Society

Official Website

Dear members,

After two years of absence, we have decided to try and organize the Annual Meeting Of The Croatian Immunological Society once again in real-live. An important purpose of our meeting is to come together and share ideas and that is something that is just not possible in an online meeting. This year, we will meet from 23-25.09.2021 in Trogir. For mnore information, visit the meeting website:

The Croatian immunological society (in Croatian: Hrvatsko Imunološko Društvo, HID) represents the fundamental scientific community in Croatia for the field of Immunology. Founded in 1968, HID has a long history of excellence in science and has played an important role in the development of international immunology, as a founding member of both IUIS and EFIS. Currently, HID comprises a small but strong scientific community that fosters young talent and promotes immunological science both within the Croatian borders and abroad.