Cedar Ridge Middle School PTO

Welcome back to Cedar Ridge Middle School!

Your student will enjoy Cedar Ridge even more if they become active in school activities like band, chorus, robotics, sports, math team, clubs, etc. Being active at school is a great way to discover your talents and to meet new friends.

PTO Membership

We would like to encourage you to join our PTO! Membership is very important while also being a fundraiser for CRMS. You will receive a membership form at the beginning of school. We are also having direct donor donation for those who would like to make a donation and “opt out” of fundraising for the year! Form can be printed here


Our fundraisers for this year include Yankee Candle Sale, Spring Plant Sale, Chick-fil-A and Domino’s Spirit Nights, Kona Ice at the CRMS football games, Collegiate and NFL Spirit Cups and Coin Drive.

Box Tops, etc.

Help us earn FREE money by saving your Box Tops for Education and Tyson Project A+ Labels. We also get money when you use Publix Partners cards and Red Robin cards. For more information, click here.

We are also collecting Pop Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House!!

Stay Informed

Cedar Ridge wants parents to be more involved with our school. As a PTO, we are trying new ideas and bringing some things to the middle school that worked well at elementary schools. We have created a 6th Grade Forum, a 7th Grade Forum, and an 8th Grade Forum Remind 101 groups where parents can meet and help teachers and students on their student’s grade level. We also have a CRMS PTO Remind 101 Group. To stay up to date on the latest Cedar Ridge PTO news, check out Cedar Ridge on Facebook.

PTO Meetings

CRMS PTO meetings will be scheduled at least twice during every nine weeks. Remember, many hands, means less work! We are looking forward to a great year at Cedar Ridge!