Photo by Nérida Mercado Fuentes, 2022.

Cristian Montenegro

I am a health sociologist with a background of professional and academic work on mental health policy. I'm especially interested in how social movements and activist ideas shape -and are shaped by mental health policy. I have conducted research on mental health and human rights, psychiatric deinstitutionalisation and reform, service-user engagement and co-production in mental health policy. 

Currently, I am a Senior Lecturer in Critical Global Health at King's College London's Department of Global Health and Social Medicine. Previously, I was a Senior Research Fellow at the Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health. I am an adjunct researcher at the Millennium Institute for Research on Depression and Personality and a visiting professor at the Mental Health Programme of the School of Public Health, Universidad de Chile

I am a founding member of the Platform for Social Research in Mental Health in Latin America (PLASMA) and an Editorial Board Member of Critical Public Health, PLOS Global Public Health. Additionally, I am a member of the Centre for Mental Health, Human Rights, and Social Justice at the University of Essex and of the RedeAmericas initiative.

Most of my published work can be read here.