
We are grateful for the generous support of our funding agencies.

Applications for funding support can be made here. The deadline for applications is September 9.

Please note that if you are a student, the application form asks you to upload a letter from your supervisor. If preferred, your supervisor may instead send their letter directly to one of the organisers.

The Centre de Recherches Mathématiques was founded in 1968 and is hosted by the Université de Montréal.

They, along with their laboratoire de physique mathématique, have provided funds to support speakers and participants, especially those who are historically underrepresented in the mathematical and mathematical physics communities.

The National Science Foundation is, since 1950, the United States' agency for funding non-medical research in the sciences.

They have provided funds to support participants who are either US citizens or based at a US institution. Their rules also stipulate that flights may only be reimbursed if the participants use a US carrier (some exceptions might apply). More information about this at the Fly American Act.

The Simons Foundation is a private foundation established in 1994 to support research in the mathematics and physical sciences, the life sciences and autism, as well as promoting scientific education and outreach.

They have partnered with the CRM to support our lecturers and organizers.