
Project Grantees & Leads

Prof. Ariel Ducey
Principal Investigator

Dept. of Sociology,
University of Calgary

Prof. Martina Kelly
Co-Principal Investigator

Dept. of Family Medicine,
Cumming School of Medicine,
University of Calgary

Prof. Pratim Sengupta
Co-Principal Investigator

Learning Sciences,
Werklund School of Education,
University of Calgary

Graduate Research Assistants

Basak Helvaci Ozacar
Ph.D Student
Learning Sciences

Basak is a Learning Sciences Ph.D. student, and in the 3rd year. She completed her BS and MSc in Turkey on science education. Basak worked as a science teacher, then as a research associate for a research center focusing on STEM education and teacher professional development around it. Her research is on transdisciplinary teacher professional development. 

Erin Knox
Ph.D. Student

Erin Knox is a new MA student at the University of Calgary’s Department of Sociology. Her research interests, while eclectic, tend to centre around matters of medical knowledge and the ways it shapes and is shaped by technology, metrics, and the body. When not busy with such exciting work, she can be found exploring downtown Calgary with her partner and their 20 lb cat

Megha Sanyal
Doctoral Candidate
Learning Sciences

Megha Sanyal is a first year PhD Student at the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary. Her previous degrees are in Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Her research interests are in the area of Embodiment in Learning Sciences and Critical Phenomenology. In her free time, she likes to binge-watch trash shows online, cycle around Calgary, take a nap, and in a very limited capacity bake cakes and cookies.

Santanu Dutta
Doctoral Candidate

Learning Sciences

Santanu is a doctoral candidate, with research interests in transdisciplinary scholarship in technology, design and cinema towards exploration of social inequities, publicness and justice. His previous degrees have been in engineering and visual design.