Lab Members

We are always interested in applications from motivated candidates. 

Meet the Team

Cristina Viéitez

Group Leader - Ramón y Cajal

Cris started her own lab at the Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics in April 2023. 

She studied Biology at the University of León, did a PhD in Chromatin Biology at UPF Barcelona (Posas & de Nadal groups) and then moved to Germany for a postdoc in Systems Biology  at EMBL-EBI (Beltrao group) and EMBL Heidelberg (Typas group). After one year as a senior scientist at ETH Zurich in Switzerland, she came back to Spain with the Ramon y Cajal talent attraction programme to start her group at IBFG (CSIC).

Outside the lab, you can find her well entertained with her two small kids.


Elvira Portales

Lab Technician

Elvira studied Pharmacy at the University of Salamanca. She holds a permanent position at IBFG and has more than 20 years of experience working with yeast mutant libraries in a genetics lab and supporting core facilities. In July 2023 she joined our lab!

In her free time she enjoys travelling and gardening.

Marina Z. Aeberhard

PhD Student

Marina studied Biology at the University of Navarra  in Spain and during this time she interned at University of California San Diego  in USA (UCSD, Hemal PatelGroup). In 2022 she completed her Master’s Degree in Neuroscience and Physiology at the University of Seville (Spain).

She holds a Predoc contrat associated to the FuncHis project - Funded by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University & AEI.

In her downtime she enjoys studying Korean and listening to music.

Mario Sánchez Alonso

Master Student 

Mario studied Biology at the University of Salamanca and is currently enrolled in the Cellular and Molecular Biology Masters degree  and doing her Master thesis in our lab at IBFG.

In his free time he enjoys spending time with friends and playing videogames.

Helena García Carrasco 

Undergrad Student /ERASMUS+University of Sköve, Sweden

Helena studied Bioscience – Molecular Biodesign at the University of Skövde, in Sweden. 

During her studies, she did a summer research internship at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), Madrid, Spain (María Blasco’s group). Currently she is doing her Bachelor thesis in our group within the ERASMUS student mobility programme.

Outside the lab, she enjoys doing taekwondo, playing classical guitar and reading novels, plus she is always ready for new adventures.

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PhD student