
She is teaching regularly two classes (yearly 160 hours) from 2010:

She has occasionally taught a class on her research activity (Wireless sensor networks, Emergent new areas in computer networks) for the PhD program.

She taught a course on Algorithm Analysis (T-110.6120), title Basics of Algorithm Analysis and Applications to Software Systems from May 12th to May 20th 2014 at Aalto University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Helsinki, Finland; under the framework of the LLP-ERASMUS Staff Mobility Programme Academic Year 2013/14. She taught a short course on Case Study in Advanced Algorithms at the University of Porto under the program Erasmus+ Staff Mobility in April 2015.

Il mio augurio a tutti voi, miei cari studenti e non, è ABBIATE SOGNI e PERSEGUITELI CON TUTTI VOI STESSI.