She is teaching regularly two classes (yearly 160 hours) from 2010:
Algorithm and Data Structures (until 2014 CFU 9, from 2015 CFU 15) at the Bachelor degree (Laurea Triennale)
Advanced Algorithms (CFU 6) at the Master degree (Laurea Magistrale).
She has occasionally taught a class on her research activity (Wireless sensor networks, Emergent new areas in computer networks) for the PhD program.
She taught a course on Algorithm Analysis (T-110.6120), title Basics of Algorithm Analysis and Applications to Software Systems from May 12th to May 20th 2014 at Aalto University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Helsinki, Finland; under the framework of the LLP-ERASMUS Staff Mobility Programme Academic Year 2013/14. She taught a short course on Case Study in Advanced Algorithms at the University of Porto under the program Erasmus+ Staff Mobility in April 2015.
Il mio augurio a tutti voi, miei cari studenti e non, è ABBIATE SOGNI e PERSEGUITELI CON TUTTI VOI STESSI.