Publications & Preprints

with C. Brennecke, M. Brooks, J. Oldenburg,  preprint arXiv: 2401.00784

with A. Olgiati, D. Saint Aubin and B. Schlein, preprint arXiv: 2311.07433

with J. Oldenburg and B. Schlein, preprint arXiv: 2308.11687

with G. Basti and S. Cenatiempo, Correggi, M., Falconi, M. (eds) Quantum Mathematics II. INdAM 2022. Springer INdAM Series, vol 58. Springer

with S. Cenatiempo and B.Schlein, Ann. Henri Poincaré (2023)

with S. Cenatiempo and B.Schlein,  J. Stat. Phys. 183 (39), (2021)

PhD thesis: 

Bose-Einstein condensation for two dimensional interacting bosons: mean field and Gross-Pitaevskii scalings