✏️ Publications



Mechanisms for Vehicle Progress and Delay detection within a transport system: From design to implementation

The aim of this paper is to present designs and mechanisms of detecting delays, particularly within public transportation networks. [...] We aim to provide an exploration in generic designs for detecting a vehicles progress and determining its delay, alongside mechanisms for collecting and processing the required data. Finally, we will discuss on the benefits and drawbacks of each approach, presenting some hypothetical scenarios where such systems would best be implemented, and even present a real-world application developed within the patters described.




Architecture Design and Prototyping of Multiple-Instance Collaboration for a Single-Instance System

In this paper, a development cycle, in the context of expanding an existing industry product, used by a number of clients, will be presented. Taken from the perspective of a single Software Engineer, aspects such as Requirement Analysis, Architecture Design, Prototyping, Deployment Analysis, Documentation, Maintainability and more are taken into account.




Scalable and Complete Routing Algorithm for Public Transportation Networks

Computing routes in a map is a classic computer science problem to which nowadays we have standard Algorithms to apply. That being said, special requirements for routes and business circumstances can lead to the use of more exotic approaches. [...] The problem thus becomes generating and storing all the valid routes in a network. This paper will propose a solution for this problem in the context of the Romanian Rail Transportation System.



Optimizing Truth-Table Computation

The generation of Truth-Tables is an interesting problem for computer scientists as it is bound to be a very costly process when it comes to processing time and memory. [...] In this Paper, I will present my personal optimizations of the Computation Algorithm and some special Data Formats that help with the enormous Memory requirement of Truth-Table Computation.
