Dublin City University

The team at Dublin City University (DCU) consists of the following researchers:

Dr. Sharon O'Brien - Coordinator of the project

Sharon O’Brien is associate professor in translation and language technology in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies, Dublin City University.

Her research to date has focused on the interaction between translators and technology (including Translation Memory and Machine Translation), cognitive aspects of translation, research methods, including eye tracking and keystroke logging, localisation and content authoring. She is a funded investigator in the cross-institutional research centre ADAPT. She was Director of the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies (https://ctts.ie) for three and a half years (2013-2017). She previously worked as a language technology specialist in the localisation industry.

Dr. Dónal Ó Mathúna - Experienced Researcher, leader of WP6

Dónal O’Mathúna, PhD, is associate professor in Ethics, Decision-Making & Evidence at the School of Nursing & Human Sciences, Dublin City University, Ireland and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at The Ohio State University, USA. He is the Director of the Center for Disaster & Humanitarian Ethics and was Chair of the EU-funded COST Action on Disaster Bioethics, 2012-2016. His research interests focus on bioethics and research ethics, particularity in the context of disasters and humanitarian crises. He is widely published in bioethics with further information available at http://www4.dcu.ie/snhs/people/donal-omathuna.shtml.

Prof. Andy Way - Experienced Researcher, leader of WP4

Professor Andy Way is Deputy Director of ADAPT and a Professor in Computing at Dublin City University.

His research interests include all areas of machine translation, which he has applied to a career that has spanned academia and industry. As head of the Transforming Global Content Theme in ADAPT, Prof. Way focuses on delivering fundamental improvements in MT capability by incorporating syntax, semantics and discourse features, constraining models using deep learning techniques, building novel cloud-based data models for use by (disposable) MT engines, and building engines for different content types (especially social media).

Dr. Patrick Cadwell - Experienced Researcher

Patrick (Pat) Cadwell is assistant professor in translation studies in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies, Dublin City University. In addition, he is a member of the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies and the cross-institutional research centre ADAPT.

He teaches classes in translation theory, terminology, and Japanese-English economic and scientific translation. His research interests include the sociology of translation, the human experience of translation technology, and workplace-based studies of translation activities. He previously worked as a translator in the JA>EN language pair.

Dr. Federico Gaspari - Experienced Researcher

Federico Gaspari has a background in translation studies and received a PhD in machine translation from the University of Manchester (UK). He has held lecturing and postdoctoral research positions at the universities of Manchester (UK), Salford (UK), Bologna/Forlì (Italy) and Macerata (Italy). Since 2010 he has been a visiting postdoctoral researcher in the machine translation group at the ADAPT Centre (formerly CNGL) of Dublin City University (Ireland), working on international research projects devoted to machine translation and multilingual technologies. He has been involved in five completed EU-funded research projects, and currently works on two international projects at the ADAPT Centre of Dublin City University, namely INTERACT - International Network on Crisis Translation and ELRI - European Language Resource Infrastructure. He holds an associate professor position at the University for Foreigners "Dante Alighieri" of Reggio Calabria (Italy), where he teaches English language, translation and translation technologies. His most recent publications related to his main research interests include a co-edited volume entitled "Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice" published by Springer in 2018 and a co-edited special issue of the Machine Translation journal exploring human factors in neural machine translation.

Dr. Chao-Hong Liu - Experienced Researcher

Chao-Hong Liu was awarded his PhD degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering from the National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, in 2012. His PhD research focused on error correction techniques for texts. He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the National Cheng Kung University in 2012. In 2013, he joined the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan, a private research institution established by Taiwan government in 1973. From 2015, he is a postdoctoral researcher at the ADAPT Centre (formerly CNGL) in Dublin City University. He works in the Machine Translation group, where he coordinates the centre’s participation in shared tasks. He has published 2 book chapters and 20 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, including IEEE TASLP journal, Soft Computing, Interspeech and ISCSLP. He was sent to disastrous areas as a geologist after the Chi-Chi Earthquake struck central Taiwan in 1999 and has developed Natural Language Processing systems for crisis situations since 2016.

Dr. Silvia Rodríguez Vázquez - Experienced Researcher

Dr Silvia Rodríguez Vázquez is a research and teaching fellow at the University of Geneva. She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Translation and Textual Studies in Dublin City University, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Her research interests include multilingual web accessibility, controlled language and text simplification, localisation training and the accessibility of translation technologies for people with disabilities. Over the last six years, Silvia has also worked as an external translator and multilingual content management adviser for different UN agencies working on health-related issues, namely, UNAIDS and WHO. Silvia holds an MA in Translation Technologies and Localisation from the University Jaume I, Spain, as well as a Joint Doctoral Degree in Multilingual Information Processing and Translation and Intercultural Mediation by the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, and by the University of Salamanca (USAL), Spain, respectively.

Dr. Alessandra Rossetti - Early Stage Researcher

Alessandra Rossetti is a post-doctoral researcher in the ADAPT Centre at Dublin City University.

She was a recipient of the Irish Research Council’s postgraduate scholarship for her PhD research, which revolved around the usability of different text simplification strategies for health content. In particular, she examined the impact of a controlled language checker on the satisfaction of authors of health content, and on the comprehensibility, readability, and machine translatability achieved in health-related texts as a result of simplification. Alessandra’s main focus was on the plain language summaries produced by the non-profit organisation Cochrane. For her postdoctoral project, she is examining the accessibility and usability of financial texts among ageing communities. Alessandra holds a BA in Language and Intercultural Communication from the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy) and an MA in Specialised Translation from the University of Bologna (Forlì, Italy).