This is my final solution....if all else falls i can pull back the a selection of bio trophies to preserve them. Even if something were to jump after us we could hold...This run i cranked up the endgame crisis....ik my fleets arent ready for it in a straight up fight, its preths...and they will be spawning in the heart of my territory.

welll this was written at the start of the war, and as it turned out i could have stopped it. my allies arrived to defend me, i could have held out....I could have ended this invasion, but i was curious, i let them expand, i positioned my fleets strategically, the invasion started uncomfortably close to our home ring, we took some initial loses as i no longer maintained strong choke points this deep into my own space. but i diverted them south....they tore thru many sectors but i know they will be contained... as i see my planets ready to be overrun i begin evacuations. I start transferring the bios to safe spaces, moving them to the new ring built next to the home ring, to ecus deeper in my territory, while im distracting a 200k fleet tears thru a weaker choke point i scramble a fleet to the ecus, 2 primary ones, i begin mass evacuations transferring all bios and drones to my reserve ecus behind the fortified lines (lucky choke points, that are the only way further south that include multiple planets with rings, citadels and fortresses)...I watch as my allies fall, i begin cataloging my bio trophies, i begin modifying them to consolidate their numbers, then i transfer one of each to a habitat near the home ring. The situation south is rapidly deteriorating. The choke points are failing without the support of my fleets, my allies are for some reason declaring war on an awakened empire and a former crisis.... the scourge is overrunning everything as i refuse to help, as each of my sectors are overrun i evacuate their people to the new ring world and ecus / habitats that im throwing up near my home ring, the only place i have concentrated my fleets at this point. Im sending out periodic delaying fleets only. I watch as over half of my empire falls, with a single line of choke points still holding out...having been encircled / bypassed. My economy is struggling, the sentinel order , the order is quickly whipped out as the war is raging and they get no support. at this point the galaxy is falling faster and faster, its close to the point of no return.

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Time, especially for the ethnographer, can help to tease out uncomfortable truths and challenge deeply held notions of others and ourselves. The passage of time can encourage fuller reflection on the chance encounters that move us to think differently about the human condition. With time, intimate encounters and significant moments are relived and reimagined. They are reinvigorated as they are transformed from field notes and faint recollections into words on a page or coalesce into an argument. For me, this is what gives ethnographic writing its potential. Writing is reflection and presents an opportunity to do things with time. Ideas and images can bounce around in my head for weeks, months, or even years, making connections to each other, before I can finally write them down. Once the ideas, people and places are there in front of me, vividly described and thoroughly undressed, they gradually regain their materiality. These figures, places, things and their evocation in the written word, smooth a path for identification with survivors and survivals, both real and imagined.

Figuring out how to fit them in a Toyota Land Cruiser already packed with 6 people and a lot of gear is a challenge but we manage with plastic pans and rice sacks. We head off to the village of Ampotoka where we believe we will find an appropriate release site and people who are protective of tortoises.

The significance of the agreement between Antsakoamasy and TSA, and building the much needed school will hopefully be far-reaching. Word should travel fast and we hope that other villages will begin to understand the connection between protecting their local tortoise populations and seeing positive outcomes in their communities. We must be willing to provide incentives and reward tortoise protection locally, or else we will surely loose the battle to save the Sokake. This is a first step, but one that we believe can be catalytic throughout the region. Our challenge is to continue the process of identifying key tortoise populations that have nearby villages with a strong tradition of protection. This strategy, we believe, may hold the key to the survival of the radiated tortoise in the wild.

He spent all of last summer in San Francisco, bunking with a woman who was once his nurse but long ago became a friend. He was there for Christmas, and for a few days after the new year to look after Now, Voyager.

Isolation is one of the most widespread and harmful consequences of long-term survival. Drawing men out of their homes is also one of the biggest challenges facing the city and agencies that serve people with HIV.

The survey findings make clear that U.S. adults appear to be emotionally overwhelmed and showing signs of fatigue. The vast majority of adults (87%) agreed it feels like there has been a constant stream of crises over the last two years, and more than seven in 10 (73%) said they are overwhelmed by the number of crises facing the world right now.

Most Americans have experienced changes in their health and habits since the beginning of the pandemic. Many reported worse mental health, lower physical activity, disturbed sleep, and increased reliance on unhealthy habits. Just over half of U.S. adults (51%) disagreed that overall, their life has gotten healthier over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, and two in five (42%) said that they have relied on a lot of unhealthy habits to get themselves through the last two years.

Further underlining a decline in physical health, close to half of adults (47%) said they have been less active than they wanted to be since the pandemic started, and close to three in five (58%, in line with 61% this time last year) reported experiencing undesired weight changes.

The need for clearer access to mental health services is reflected in survey responses, with more than half of Americans (56%) having said that since the pandemic started, they could have used more emotional support than they received, and 21% could have used a lot more emotional support. Further, parents were more likely to have noted their mental health has worsened over the pandemic (37% vs. 27% of non-parents) and to say they could have used a lot more emotional support over the last two years (31% vs. 16%).

One aspect that many users appreciate about the Final Survival Plan is its ease of use. This program is not filled with jargon you need a dictionary to comprehend. Instead, it is written in simple, straightforward language that anyone can understand. Whether you're a survival expert or a complete novice, you'll find the steps and techniques in this guide easy to follow. The author, John Stone, has made it a point to ensure that the focus is accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or experience. This is critical in an emergency where you must act fast and can't afford to get bogged down with complicated instructions.

Another noteworthy aspect of the Final Survival Plan is its real-world application. Many survival guides provide theoretical knowledge that may be impractical when a disaster strikes. This program, however, is different. It provides the knowledge you need and offers practical exercises and scenarios to help you apply what you've learned. This is incredibly beneficial as it prepares you for any possible situation. For example, the guide covers aspects such as how to source and purify water, find and prepare food, and build a shelter with the materials available to you. By practicing these skills beforehand, you'll be better prepared to handle a real-life crisis.

While many survival programs leave you to figure things out independently once you've purchased the product, the Final Survival Plan offers ongoing community support. After buying the program, you'll gain access to a community of like-minded individuals preparing for potential disasters. This community is a great place to share experiences, ask questions, and learn from others. You'll also have access to ongoing support from the program's creator, John Stone. This level of approval ensures that you're not alone in your journey toward preparedness and can be a source of encouragement and motivation.

The Final Survival Plan is a comprehensive, practical, and user-friendly guide to surviving any disaster. Its unique combination of easy-to-understand instructions, real-world applications, and a supportive community make it an excellent choice for anyone who wants to ensure they're prepared for any eventuality. Whether you're a survival expert or just starting, this program has something to offer you.

Billionaire wealth surged in 2022 with rapidly rising food and energy profits. The report shows that 95 food and energy corporations have more than doubled their profits in 2022. They made $306 billion in windfall profits, and paid out $257 billion (84 percent) of that to rich shareholders. The Walton dynasty, which owns half of Walmart, received $8.5 billion over the last year. Indian billionaire Gautam Adani, owner of major energy corporations, has seen this wealth soar by $42 billion (46 percent) in 2022 alone. Excess corporate profits have driven at least half of inflation in Australia, the US and the UK.

Oxfam is calling for a systemic and wide-ranging increase in taxation of the super-rich to claw back crisis gains driven by public money and profiteering. Decades of tax cuts for the richest and corporations have fueled inequality, with the poorest people in many countries paying higher tax rates than billionaires.

The report shows that taxes on the wealthiest used to be much higher. Over the last forty years, governments across Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas have slashed the income tax rates on the richest. At the same time, they have upped taxes on goods and services, which fall disproportionately on the poorest people and exacerbate gender inequality. In the years after WW2, the top US federal income tax rate remained above 90 percent and averaged 81 percent between 1944 and 1981. Similar levels of tax in other rich countries existed during some of the most successful years of their economic development and played a key role in expanding access to public services like education and healthcare. 2351a5e196

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