The Deadpool Killer

Wade Wilson, infamously known as the Deadpool Killer, was convicted in 2024 for the brutal murders of Kristine Melton and Diane Ruiz in October 2019. At the time of his crimes, Wilson, 30, resided in Fort Myers, Florida.

On October 6, 2019, Wilson met Kristine Melton, 35, at a live music bar in Cape Coral. After spending time together, he went home with her and strangled her as she slept. He then stole her car to continue his spree. The following day, he used Melton's car to approach Diane Ruiz, 43, who was walking to work. Under the pretext of asking for directions, Wilson lured Ruiz into the vehicle. When she tried to escape, he strangled her, pushed her out of the car, and repeatedly ran her over. Ruiz's body was discovered three days later in a field behind a Sam's Club.

Wilson was arrested on October 8, 2019. DNA evidence and surveillance footage were crucial in linking him to both murders. However, it was discovered that Wilson had attacked his ex-girlfriend Melissa Montanez using Melton’s car, further solidifying the case against him.

Wilson faced charges of first-degree murder, sexual battery, armed robbery, and grand theft auto. Throughout the trial, he exhibited disruptive and threatening behaviour, including smirking at the judge. His father, Steven Testasecca, testified that Wilson had bragged about the murders without any remorse. The defense argued that Wilson suffered from a "diseased mind" due to mental illness and drug addiction, but the prosecution refuted these claims.

On June 12, 2024, Wilson was found guilty on all counts. The jury recommended the death penalty on June 25, 2024, with a vote of 9-3 for Melton’s murder and 10-2 for Ruiz’s murder. Formal sentencing by Judge Nicholas Thompson is set for July 23, 2024.

During the trial, emotional victim impact statements were given by Melton’s cousin and Ruiz’s son, the immense personal loss and pain caused by Wilson’s actions. These testimonies states the profound impact of violent crimes on victims' families and communities.

The Wade Wilson case shows the critical importance of investigations and legal action in bringing violent criminals to justice. It also a grim reminder of the lasting effects such crimes have on victims' loved ones and the broader community.

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