
Founded by Anurag Singh & Anish Singh in 2023, the RJ TOURNAMENTS is a Indian Sports, headquartered in Raipur, Chhattisgarh,India 

Through this tournament company you can promote to District & State level on your performance.

Don't miss this amazing and great chance.

The only tournament company in India which give you chance to get selection in District & State level.

So don't miss this great & life changing chance CricEvolution stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for unprofessional cricket players in India, offering them a pathway to District teams & State teams. With an unwavering commitment to talent scouting, grooming, and promotion, CricEvolution has become a transformative force in the world of Indian cricket.

Our Mission:

CricEvolution was founded with a singular mission - to democratize cricket and provide a platform for unprofessional cricketers to rise to the highest echelons of the sport. We believe that talent knows no boundaries, and with the right guidance and opportunities, every player can aspire to wear the national colors.

The Journey:

Established in 2023, CricEvolution embarked on a remarkable journey, redefing the cricketing landscape in India. Our dedicated team of coaches, scouts, and mentors scours every nook and cranny of the country to unearth hidden gems.

Key Initiatives:

CricEvolution's success story is crafted through a series of pioneering initiatives:

Talent Identification: We cast a wide net, identifying unprofessional players with exceptional skills and unwavering passion for the game.

Rigorous Training: Once identified, these talents are provided with top-notch coaching, physical conditioning, and mental resilience training to prepare them for the rigors of professional cricket.

Pathway to Stardom: CricEvolution has established a well-defined pathway that takes players from local unprofessional leagues to District teams & State teams.

Mentorship and Exposure: Through mentorship programs and exposure to high-intensity cricketing environments, players in our system gain the confidence and experience required to thrive at the professional level.

Scouting Network: Our extensive scouting network ensures that no talent goes unnoticed, bridging the gap between unprofessional cricket and the big leagues.

Our Impact:

CricEvolution's impact on the lives of unprofessional cricketers is immeasurable. We have witnessed dreams come true as players graduate from local grounds to representing their states. The success stories that have emerged from our programs inspire not only our players but also the entire cricketing fraternity.

The Future:

As we gaze into the future, CricEvolution remains steadfast in its commitment to discovering and nurturing the hidden cricketing gems of India. We envision a cricketing landscape where talent is the only passport to success, and every unprofessional player has a chance to shine on the national stage.

CricEvolution isn't just an association; it's a catalyst for change in the lives of countless unprofessional cricketers. Join us in celebrating the spirit of cricket and the triumph of talent over circumstance. Together, we are CricEvolution, where dreams take flight and the unprofessional becomes professional.

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