

An Fantasy and Emotion mixed album that brings the deepest wars of feelings and experience.


A twisted, fantasy album that is all an imagination world from one's head.

Light Children

An album from the lights that fill our world. All luminated by one force.

Deep Down

An album from the darkness we fight everyday.

Legends We Seek

An album that goes deep into the mind of a legend. One that twists reality.

Night Fight

The Album that shows the heroes and fights of the nightfall.

Show Your Voice!

The Album that shows what voice a legend can do.

A Soulful Lead Soundtrack

Mlm's "A Soulful Lead" soundtrack.

Cypher Center

Mysterious Cyphers of a Legend.


A tale of Mutiny that ends up in a journey against the past.

Kingsisle Tales

A set of tales fron the Spiral.

Kingsisle Tales (Deluxe)

A second set of tales from the Spiral.

My Raps

The mysterious Raps of a legend.

Legend Cyphers

Humans working together with a Legend to make magic.

Legends from Hell

A series of Albums from Hell

HSR Album

Album for Etta's newest book, "HSR: Another Form"

Genshin Insanity Album

Album for Etta's Genshin Destiny Twisters

Villain Arc

Where the blood spills, lies fly, and trust breaks... a villain is born.


Where the blood spills, lies fly, and trust breaks... who are we?

Story Madness