Library Policies

Please review the library policies to help keep our wonderful selection of books in good condition.

  • Classes are scheduled to visit the library every week and students can check out books for two weeks before they become overdue. Students should bring their books to the library each week.

  • Books can be renewed if needed but you must bring your books to do so.

  • Students will not be able to check out books if they have overdue books.

3rd-5th graders have the privilege of taking their books home with them.

You are responsible for the books you check out. If a book is lost or damaged, please let Mrs. Porter know right away. Lost or damaged books must be paid for. If the lost book is later found, you may keep it or donate it back to the library. Fines are non-refundable.

Please see that library books are cared for properly:

  • Use bags or backpacks to carry library books to and from school and home. This helps protect them from bad weather and from being dropped. Keep library books away from water bottles in the backpack!

  • Have a special place at home to keep library books so they can easily be found.

  • Please keep Crestview library books separate from your personal books and public library books. Several times each year school library books are returned to the public library and it takes a long time for the public library to return them to our school.

  • Keep books away from food, liquids, pens, pencils, markers, younger children, pets, sticky hands, etc.

  • Use a thin bookmark. Do not fold the corners of the page over.

  • DO NOT take Crestview library books on vacation or to homes of other family members or friends. They are too easily left behind.

Thank you for keeping our library books in good condition so students can enjoy them for years to come!