
All presentations are plenary.

Monday, 26th: All sessions take place in SWSB 101 (School of Wine, 1st floor).

Tuesday, 27th: Morning sessions take place in Amphi Govin, Building D, ground floor.

Afternoon: SWSB 101 (School of Wine, 1st floor).

All coffee breaks take place in the Business Lounge, School of Wine, ground floor.

Lunches take place at the Kitchen, garden building, ground floor.

Sunday September 25th

Wine-tasting activity (see here)

Monday September 26th

Room SWSB 101 (School of Wine, 1st floor), the whole day

Registration, welcome, 9:00-9:30

Session 1

9:30-10:05 Marc Willinger (Montpellier), Eye-tracking behavioral strategies in beauty contest gamess

10:05-10:40 Taro Shinoda (Waseda), Confidence Game: An Experiment of Psychological Safety

Coffee break

Session 2

11:00-11:35 Evan Friedman (Essex), Quantal Response Equilibrium with Symmetry: Representation and Applications", joint with Felix Mauersberger

11:35-12:10 Ali Ozkes (Skema), An eye-tracking analysis of the games with strategic complementarity and substitution


Session 3

13:15-13:50 Guillaume Hollard (CREST), Low-Cost Contact Interventions Can Increase Inter-Ethnic Trust: Evidence from Senegal

13:50-14:25 Thorsten Chmura (Nottingham), Risk Shifting, Preferences and Externalities

14:25-15:00 Rustamdjan Hakimov (Lausanne), Self-Sensoring in College Admissions.

Coffee break

Session 4

15:20-15:55 Yukihiko Funaki (Waseda), Invitation Games: An Experimental Approach to Coalition Formation

15:55-16:30 Oana Peia (Dublin), Credit Ratings and Investments: A Laboratory Experiment

16:30-17:05 Alina Velias (AUEB, LSE), The ignorance trap: who falls prey to expert-defying populism and why.

Sake tasting (Business Lounge)


Tuesday September 27th

Amphi Govin, Building D, ground floor (morning only).

Session 5

9:00-9:35 Johannes Buckenmaier (Zurich), Voting for Compromises: Alternative Voting Methods in Polarized Societies

9:35-10:10 Takehito Masuda (Waseda), Strategic Uncertainty and Probabilistic Sophistication

10:10-10:45 Yukio Koriyama (CREST), The Titanic effect: an experimental study of turnout in groupwise weighted voting

Coffee break

Session 6

11:05-11:40 Matías Núñez (CREST), Compromise in the Lab

11:40-12:15 Taisuke Imai (Munich), Correcting Consumer Misperceptions about CO2 Emissions


Room SWSB 101 (School of Wine, 1st floor)

Session 7

13:20-13:55 Ryuichiro Ishikawa (Waseda), Bubbles in Asset Markets and the Heterogeneity of Beliefs.

13:55-14:30 Eli Spiegelman (BSB), Reciprocal, but inequality averse as well? Mixed motives for punishment and reward (joint with Andreas Leibbrandt and Raúl López-Pérez)

Coffee break

Session 8

14:50-15:25 Brice Corgnet (EM Lyon), Who’s Showing Up? A longitudinal field experiment of work diligence

15:25-16:00 Angela Sutan (BSB), Trying to spot the strategic environment effect in beauty contest games

End of the conference