Current Projects

New Orleans Adolescent Risk and Resilience Study (NOARR)

Research has indicated that deaths by suicide and overdoses have increased in recent years. Our lab is studying adolescent risk and resilience factors that predict the development of substance use, depressive disorders, and other emotional and behavioral problems in adolescence. Our hope is that understanding what increases risk for these problems before they develop will help prevent them and reduce deaths caused by overdose and suicide.

Impact of Isolation on Mental Health Study

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many people to spend much more time at home and spend less time getting to interact with friends and family. Our lab was interested in knowing if this isolation lead to an increase in substance use, symptoms of depression and other emotional problems. We collected data from some urban areas that were most affected early in the Covid-19 pandemic. We are hoping this data will help us learn about the effects of Covid-19 on mental health.

Substance Use Disorders Diagnostic Criteria Project

Some research has found that the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) may be including too many individuals in their definition of substance use disorders due to criteria that do not reflect pathology. Our lab is currently working on creating a measure to diagnose substance use disorders based on neuroscience theories.