About me

This is not my photo but I don't wanna do a face reveal so yeah. Credit to whoever made this photo somehow you know what I look like.

likes creepers and books and bubble wrap. hates animae and when people cuss freely. loves minecraft and @TwelveTurquoise12 's writing. is a fan of MrBeast Karl Jacobs and likes creepers (didnt i already say that?). dosen't like when people ship other people for no reason. READ MY STORIES PLS also thx @queen_of_tlos for making me a pfp and go check out Ash's Theme Shop on her profile! also my profile pic is exactly how i look if you want to sue me

"Dear Bullies (you know EXACTLY who you are)

You know that boy you pushed over yesterday? He hurt himself. That girl you called fat? She's starving herself. And that boy you teased for crying? His mother passed away. That girl you called ugly? She is dealing with abuse. You know that man you made you made fun of for his scars? He fought for our country. That man you stole the little leather pouch off of? He was homeless. And everyone you've been mean to? You've hurt them real bad if not, ruined their life. Post this in on your profile if you're against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't but if you're that 1% that has the time and heart, then show it.

I decided to be part of the 1%."

(Thx for @dance_contortion for telling me this. Justice needs to be given!) also i will be rlly happy if you follow me. btw i follow people cuz their stories are great! also the roblox character is really outdated sorry the next one is my current one though.


Actually About Me

i like minecraft and creepers and calling n00bs "n00bs". i love creative writing and people that are kids having the same passion as me. as a pisces, i care more about me friends then me and somehow thats true. i really want it to be the other way but yeah since im the only pisces i know (btw pisces is a zodiac sign) and i play minecraft on pocket edition so thats why i can't link it. i love vactioning and i love the beach and any kind of nature, animal, or living thing (besides my brother. everyone knows little brothers are annoying right?!). i am korean but somehow i dont look like it (or maybe i do idk) and people are always saying pisces are pretty. i am very modest (not. actually i dont know) and i have no idea what i am or who i am and i have no idea what the definition of pretty is so yeah depends of wut you think of me at the top photo. also i did not draw it some how some person drew me. my name is aly, i like green and i live in cali usa. heres a clue where i live its in the pic below where the buttons are.

My Writing

i like writing about adventure and fantasy. im really good at writing opinions, well because im very..........uh whats the word? nvm anyway sometimes (most of the time) i stray away from those topics a choose a new one. sometimes i have a random thought, then i write it down and then it becomes a idea. to give me what i want the characters to look like i do a drawing of it. also sorry if i interupt the story sometimes also in have no idea why people like my stories they are terrible. thx for reading my trash stories and thx for reading these long paragraphs click the buttons below for links, CreeperGurl, out.

Pictures I like and pictures i have made ^