Total Visa Card: Know it in detail here

If you are looking for a credit card that requires minimum or no credit, the Total Visa Card is available to save your back. The Total Visa Card is an unsecured credit cards for bad credit that is highly preferred by those who have low credit. The card does not expect its customers to place any security deposits. This article is a review of the total visa credit card and will enlighten you about its pros and cons. The Bank of Missouri, which now has around 23 branches issues this Total Visa Card.

The fit mastercard credit card and first digital card are similar credit cards, which are perfect for users with less or poor credit. To know more details about the use and functioning of a fit mastercard, you can go through the fit mastercard reviews. Both the total visa credit card and fit mastercard credit cards for people with poor credit, but these credit cards come with a price tag. They do not expect you to have high credit, but are expensive and will require you to pay high program fees before you open your bank account.

Once you open the bank account, you will be notified in few minutes of whether your card has been approved or not. After approval of the Total Visa Card, your monthly transactions will be reported to and tracked by three major credit bureaus. In number of months, you can notice a slight increase in your credit, if you keep up your credit limits and follow correct payments every month. Every year, the total visa card will demand you to pay annual fee to maintain your account.

The first year annual membership fee of the credit card is higher than next consecutive years. You should also pay a monthly fee for account maintenance. Every time you get some advance cash, you might be charged some fees. The credit card will not charge you for the very first year, but you will have to pay fees eventually for the next years. In spite of charging a number of fees, the total visa credit card has proven efficient for consumers who lack credit.

The credit card is an important asset to manage the finance part of your life. The credit card will allow you the leverage to purchase items without a penny. However, you should pay it later to build credits and later get benefitted from it. You must always keep in mind not to exceed your limitations while using a credit card, as you might fall under the debt trap. Paying your monthly balance on time is crucial to avoid existential crisis of using a credit card. If you follow up the pattern of paying your credit card bills on time, you will be offered with higher credit limits and credit score. Your debt utilization ratio will be positively impacted if you use your credit card in a responsible way.

Remember that closing your credit card account means lessening your credit score. Since all the credit card companies will have to report to the credit bureaus, it is necessary to not exceed your limits and spend lavishly. You will be charged APR fee if you take up your pending bills from one month to next month. Your monthly activities will be noted by an issuer and reported to the credit bureaus. Once you start using the credit card, you will know when the report is being sent to the bureaus. You can pay your card bills the before day of reporting or even sooner. Credit card is something that can act both as a boon or bane, depending on how you utilize it.